Ngamok, on 04 January 2014 - 09:12 AM, said:
It is not wrong since that game gets new players as well as the older players. It is the exact same thing as here. MWO brings in new players to BT as does older vets who have plpayed the older games. And they all have a learning curve of some type. Learning to controll your mech or learning how to drop shoot each has a skill set.
Also the single player campaign in each of the CoD games doesn't really set you up for MP because the SP guns sometimes act differently in Mp or you never see some of the guns in SP.
If by "older" you mean "Decrepit, dying, and barely able to use a mouse anymore" I agree 100%
If however by "older" you mean "veteran PC gamer with literally decades of experience and a certain level of innate skill", I must disagree 100%.
CoDs target demographic is teh <25 age group, and that is where their sales are strong. Generation entitlement "I wanna be able to aim like a pro with a gamepad" type players.
The older players on teh other hand, i.e. the ones that were actually around for Wolfenstein 3d, Doom, Quake, Half Life, UT.... well, they generally value actual skill and player adaptation much higher than some brain-dead "thanks for coming, here`s your trophy" achievement. In fact, many of us were and still are vehemently AGAINST Achievement systems for exactly this reason, Generation Entitlement just gets their lazyness and mediocrity reinforced by it instead of ever actually learning to play the game properly.. It`s like getting a ******* Medal of Honor for washing out in basic training....
My impression is that the large majority of us (meaning teh >25 but <50 demographic) cannot stand CoD for exactly these reasons..... CoD is the WoW of the shooter world, and has been since at the latest MW1..... Zero skill necessary, just log in and be successful with your random CoF spraying rounds at everything that moves and not having to worry about FF.
Seriously, the people I hang with in RL and have been playing, well, just about everything with for 20 years plus... well, er just laugh when somebody is stupid enough to buy whatever the newest CoD is at the time, Ghosts being the current joke of the month.
Side note: This is also why I think it`s a REALLY bad idea for the Military to attempt to appeal to this type person, teh modern, computer gaming adolescent. For the most part they have neither the Fortitude of Balsac, nor the attention span, nor the interest in self improvement necessary to actually succeed at any form of challenge where the bar doesn`t get lowered everytime they whine about it being too high. Good as cannon fodder and that`s it....
Seriously, Generation Entitlement is eventually going to have basketball hoops that adjust to the player hight so that even ****** midgets can act like Michael Jordan, Goal posts that enable 5 year olds to score field goals like F!cken , and just eliminate scoreboards altogether (THAT actually isn`t such a bad idea.... but that takes away their beloved peen-stroking ability when they "win".... So it probably won`t fly...
Edited by Zerberus, 04 January 2014 - 09:58 AM.