Geist Null, on 05 January 2014 - 02:46 PM, said:
complaints i have read about, hatred i have not, im not sure what forums you have been hanging out on, but mwo forums are well monitored and very tame compared to the rest of the mmo forums out there.
BL00D RAVEN, on 05 January 2014 - 02:52 PM, said:
You cant create a hate thread about hate threads, its against the rules.
That's not the impression I got from the OP. It seems as though he's talking about the hatred in-game. So, I'll address that.
You are correct, OP. This is the most hostile MMO I've played. That said, my experience is limited to MWO and EVE. EVE is very friendly to new players (the playerbase, not the learning curve which is diabolical), but there is a great deal of "scamming" that goes on. A few days ago I read about a new player who got tricked into taking something he bought with RL money into a PvP sector... That's not against the rules, but even so I thought it a bit harsh.
From an MWO perspective, I've been TK'd because of friendly trolling to the enemy team (before we had even made contact...). Likewise, I've jumped down someone's throat for hypocrisy because of a troll/banter comment about an Arty strike on a group of poptarts (it was a poptart that dropped the arty). I think this stems from the difficulty in conveying the true meaning behind words via text-based chat systems. So some of what you describe could be attributed to misinterpretation from either side. There is also the "ggclose" after a steamroll. This irks me personally, but in the end it is just trolls trying to troll. They're not specifically insulting anyone, so, while it annoys me it's best to let it slide or just post "lolno" in response. They're being deliberately obtuse, and I believe it pays to recognise it as such and not rise up to the bait. "Dont feed the trolls", as the saying goes.
However, I've also seen what you speak of. That is, pure, unaldulterated hatred for no real reason. Yes, it is incredibly frustrating when a Light kills you in an Assault. But it happens. Likewise, it can be supremely annoying to run into a lance of AC40 Jagers or any other meta-tastic, pinpoint brutality, builds. Those are, imo causes for banter, not hatred. As long as you are not directly insultingother players, but merely their builds or something along those lines, it should be deemed okay and not really thought about too much. After all, who doesn't enjoy the back-and-forth? Yet, many people will resort to all sorts of derogatory terms directed at the players themselves when they were either killed by superior skill or a mistake that they themselves made. That is not cool.
As well as this, you noted that the new player experience is not friendly at all. Which is true in some respects, and false in others. Most of the "good" players who are in high ELO brackets understand the way the matchmaker works, thus should expect to see a few newbies on their team from time to time. Or there is an equal chance of a newbie being put on a team of "uberl33t" players. You'd think this would be a great chance for them to learn, right?
Wrong, if they happen to have dropped with the wrong people. I can't abide the comments of "{scrap} pugs" "******* noob, l2p" etc. The point is, they
are learning to play and by berating their skills they may well start to think they'll never get the hang of this game (which has an already steep learning curve) and leave, which is what you fear, OP.
This post has been mainly negative, so I'll try to end on a positive note.
I think that the average age of the playerbase is a fair bit higher than many other MMO's (EVE not included here, but that's the main reason I believe it's so friendly). This
usually results in more mature people who can tolerate a few losses and who are willing to impart knowledge to other players. A lot of the time though, these comments that are intended to be helpful are met with sheer ignorance and anger. I've lost count of the times that I've been sworn at for telling Atlas pilots that "running an XL is usually a bad idea. Take it out unless you're dead set on it". I was just trying to pass on something that I've learned over time and through trial and error, in an attempt to speed up the learning process.
Overall, I think that the number of friendly people in this game far outweighs the dezgra. The issue is that the not-so-nice players are far more vocal. The way I see it, we have two solutions. Either, the nicer folks need to shout down the more hostile portion of the community, or we need to make a more concerted effort to report the people who are being deliberately offensive time and time again.
Finally, it's the internet. The anonymity that provides tends to lead to people indulging in behavior they would otherwise think twice about. Such is life.
This was not meant to be a wall of text...
Edited by Lunatech, 05 January 2014 - 03:21 PM.