Joseph Mallan, on 08 January 2014 - 04:51 AM, said:
One ton divided by 7 (# of rounds per ton) means we are not firing a round the size of a car through an AC20. Its the size of a large man (285lbs per shell) which includes the casing and propellant.
Source? lol
If you go on SARNA you can find projectile calibers that range from the 180mm - 203mm +
Meaning, that the ammo-per-ton should actually be five instead of seven because of the tremendous weight of the ammo.
Even if the projectiles are not the "size" of a car (arguing semantics here...) the weight is still consistent with that of an economy-sized vehicle.
Digressing aside, nerfing the range is still not justified. Nerfing the velocity, however, makes sense. Again, the AC-20 is a close range weapon. If you engage targets at the minimum damage ranges, you will do little more then scratch paint, and give the enemy pilot a serious case of the shakes.
Edited by ReXspec, 08 January 2014 - 05:00 AM.