ReXspec, on 08 January 2014 - 09:57 AM, said:
Ah your right... but there are single shot AC's on TT. So, we can conclude that the devs may be basing the mechanics on the AC's on the TT model.
Let's try this again. Autocannons fire bursts of shells. All Battletech AC's fire bursts of shells. Mechwarrior simplified this to a single shot, but canonically, there are no autocannons in the BT universe that are single shot in any way, shape or form.
There's the definition for a real AC, and Battletech ones operate the same way, being fed cassettes of ammo (each cassette being one "shot") that gets fired in a burst at the target- the number and size of such shells varying by gun, even if they effectively deliver X amount of damage as a generic term. That is, a smaller caliber AC firing more shells at the target and a larger caliber AC firing fewer shells per burst have the same damage rating- both are "AC/5", despite getting to the point of blasting a 'Mech in slightly different terms.
A single shot, mechanically loaded ballistic weapon in Battletech is a -rifle-, the historical predecessor to the autocannon and generally inferior to it in damaging a 'Mech.
Sandpit, on 08 January 2014 - 10:45 AM, said:
What's this got to do with anything? Well nothing really. That's the point. This isn't Sarna, nor is it TT. We need to get away from the "In TT" arguments. TT should be at the core of fundamental ideas and I understand many are just using them as examples but this is not TT. The TT examples hold no more water than what I just shared. We need to move away from the TT mentality
We can replace autocannons with FBC's (Fluffy Bunny Cannons) too, and have them deliver the same damage. Problem solved, yaaaaaay!
What, fluffy bunnies splattering your 'Mech and destroying it would ruin the game? Well, so are single "shot" autocannons. Heck, spreading the damage love by making it a burst is going AGAINST the way it delivers damage in TT, which is to a single location. Wedding the way a weapon works in TT with function in MWO is how we should go here, and eliminating the AC's ability to automatically deliver it's full damage instantly to one point should work just fine with the "burst" concept. It's how we balanced beam weapons since beta, and the concept works just fine with AC's- especially considering what AC's canonically fire to begin with.