18 Inches of Hard Steel, on 15 January 2014 - 08:14 AM, said:
This is shocking, I'll try and take it point by point.
Ok ok, let's cool down a bit, because obviously I sounded more aggressive than I intended to. I'll try to be more precise this time:
This is advice to who? A caveman? Really?
That's just how my brain works - I remove anything that is not important; and from there I look at the options that I have with what is left. My statement is the essence of what light Mechs are for me, their abstract representation in my head.
I have a tendency to assume that everyone can clearly see what I'm talking about, despite knowing that it would be pure luck due to how communication between humans works. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I'm working on that.
-using brains and learning to see what is actually going on
More fantastic advice. Who said turn off your brain?
Lights are scouts, moving lets you see things, moving fast lets you see more things…
Moving is one way. There are other ways, and some of them are not limited by what Mech you are in. Again, just how my brain works, and stupidly giggling to myself how others don't see it, while being blind about how that is perceived. I didn't intend to offend you.
-mindlessly running around
Where does this come from? Spite? Do you not like my name?
Dude I don't even remember your name even after reading it just 2 minutes ago

. Really, I wasn't talking about anyone specific. It's just what I have seen allover the place, people stepping into a 170 kph mech, thinking that speed alone gives them godlike freedom. I've seen it with PUGs, my friends, and myself. It doesn't work that way.
-Speed is a tool, nothing more and nothing less.
speed is a light’s most important tool
Now we get to the point. I disagree

Battle awareness is what I use, because it's more reliable and less dependant on things (not buyable with C-Bills though). But that's just my flavor. You are probably more of a fighter, so I can see why you are more focused on weaponry and speed. Let's just agree that there are different ways to play. If you want to discuss that in more detail, feel free to send me a PM. Maybe your point of view gives me a better insight for the book I'm writing
-It's not about what cards you get, it's about how you play them.
In MWO I get to choose my cards and how I play them, maybe you’re thinking of a game where the mechs are randomly built…
Yup, you got me on that one
-(in fact I've never seen anyone else using a 265 on a Jenner)
You can never tell for sure what engine someone has while in match, this is only speculation.
With "seen" I meant in the forums. I'm pretty sure there is someone else out there who uses a sub 275 engine in a Jenner, but you probably agree that it seems to be rather rare.
You took a thirteen word excerpt from my post and extrapolated that I’m a bad pilot who doesn’t use his brain
I apologize, it wasn't meant that way. What I tried to say was: you are probably too much focused on speed. There are other tools as well.
But yes, silly me sometimes thinks that my way of playing is superior to other ways. And sometimes I offend people more than I want. I apologize. This is one of my long term TODOs