1. An ENTIRE lance of Mechs, seemingly a premade, walking into the cave on Frozen and becoming turrets for the rest of the match. The enemy then walked in and strafed side to side, and the D-DC I was spectating was not able to track his targets. I exploded in a 5v1 fight expecting them to fight alongside me, but not before doing more damage than their lance combined.
2. [redacted]
3. Teams of enemy D-DCs mounting LB-10x cannons and LRM launchers, who my team mates were utterly unable to avoid.
4. No one using artillery or air strikes, ever.
5. Quickdraws.
Now, I was under the impression that after my 33:1 KDR on my Shadowhawk phoenix variant ( which has now dropped to a far more reasonable 2.5:1), I had climbed out of the 'beginner' area for the matchmaker. However the level of play I witnessed while playing my Hunchbacks wasn't just indicative of something a new player might do, it was genuinely, trollingly, the absolute worst I have seen in this game ever. As in purposefully bad.
Needless to say I got incredibly frustrated and jumped into my Shadowhawk 5M in hopes of encountering the same players again. However, I then suddenly started encountering players that were of the usual, expected level of competence - team work, use of cover, arty / UAV, no dashes through open terrain etc.
This must be just coincidence though right? I was under the impression that matchmaking was made on a weight class level, so how come when I run my Shadowhawks both teams are usually competent, but when I run my hunchbacks they're usually SO BAD? I don't mind being blitzed in the HBK, but I would expect to see the same dopes in my 5M for some payback after encountering them several games in a row on the HBKs...
Edited by Egomane, 14 January 2014 - 01:25 PM.
Name and Shame