The current ELO (according to my understanding) is as follows. ELO is based off of your wins and losses and that's it. Depending on who you win against is what changes your ELO. Now this spurs a problem because you have games that are 12/2 that increase your ELO by a ridiculous amount (as ridiculous as up to 50 gets anyways) and then is shot down again by a 2/12.
A better way to calculate elo is as follows. We'll use a scale between 0-10000 as an example.
For a new chassis or variant: start its ELO near the bottom of the scale, maybe near 100. This will allow a player to enjoy a new mech instead of getting destroyed repeatably game after game because he hasn't found a good build for it yet.
Calculate ELO by their energy, ballistic, and missile accuracy. It makes no sense to have someone playing with a 20% PPC accuracy to play against someone with a 100% PPC accuracy. the accuracy for their weapon is their ELO number, 100% accuracy = 10 points, 50% 5.
Look at the mech they pilot, if the mech has 7 medium lasers with 100% accuracy, he gets 700 points from his accuracy, now this may seem ridiculous, but seeing how he has 100% accuracy he probably can play with other experienced players.
Different weapons also can have different point values. A medium laser might get a maximum of 100 points each, but a small laser might have a maximum of 75 points, this is so you don't have your locust with nothing but small lasers in a game with a Jenner running nothing but mediums.
While looking at the weapons on a chassis, missile boats can also be separated more equivalently as well. Dakka and Laser boats can also be separated better to make more balanced groups.
Groups should get a temporary ELO bonus based on how many people are in the group. 2 players could each get a 50 point bonus, 3 players could get a 75 point bonus each, and 4 players could get a 100 point bonus each. This is because a four man tends to have much higher cooperation than their pug teammates, they will be able to get grouped with better players.
Lastly wins and losses should have negligible if any outcome of your Elo because they are almost entirely based on your teammates and opponents abilities, your personal statistics should determine who you play against.
Credit to LT for a great idea!
LT Satisfactory, on 13 January 2014 - 04:09 PM, said:
I don't see how a single person could say a locust=jenner, treb=shd, qkd=phract, aws=hgn.
Edited by Evil Ash, 14 January 2014 - 02:25 PM.