Rip Snorgan, on 26 December 2014 - 07:59 PM, said:
Holy Epileptic Disco Rave Batman!
Bwahahahaha! Oh, that's epic. Keeping that for later.
TwentyOne, on 26 December 2014 - 08:45 PM, said:
locust is good for its weight. But fairly fought vs a 35 tonner, it WILL LOSE every time. As a CW mech I think its a fantastic weight reducing tool, but in normal game modes you are killing your team by bringing that pathetic mech.
IMO firestarters are better than locusts for killing and general fighting.
Well, I have to disagree there on account of failure to take into account pilot skill. You know, unless you consider skill differential to be inherently unfair itself that is, in which case nothing I can say will sway you in any direction whatsoever. The thing is, I treat my 3M as a fine duelist's weapon. I've taken on Adders, Kit Foxes, Jenners, Spiders, and all manner of other light with the thing and won in more instances than I've lost, due more to my opponents' lack of ability to finesse equivalent performance out of their machines than anything else. That is to say, it is my belief that in a "fair" fight between light mechs, the victory will nearly invariably go to the pilot with more skill, and it is also my belief that there is no such thing as a "fair" fight between light mechs and non-light mechs. Non-lights will always find the maneuverability of the light unsporting, and lights will always find the durability of the non-light unfair. But that's using a rapier to kill a guy wielding a halberd for you. Apples and oranges.
stealthraccoon, on 26 December 2014 - 11:50 PM, said:
Tonight I bought the pirates bane, and promptly slapped an xl170 and AC2 on it - I consistently get one kill and at least a half dozen assists.
I thought about that, but just couldn't bring myself to do it, knowing it would remind me how much better AC2's used to be.