Dino Might, on 13 May 2015 - 06:54 PM, said:
I rarely, if ever, see a light trying to dedicated TAG spot. I've tried, and I gave up quickly. Then with the 3V I tried again, and even with 1125 range and the aforementioned tweaks, it doesn't do any good when the enemy can gauss snipe you, because the only way to hold a TAG on target at 1k is to stand perfectly still.
It can be a pain. My only mech that I sometimes dedicate to LRM spotting is my COM-2D. Since it has ECM. ECM+TAG, is the safest way to spot for LRMs. I stay hidden, while tagging the rearmost enemy. On Caustic Valley I've caused entire lances to suffer critical existence failure because they don't know how they are still being spotted (It does help that I do this in group drops where I know I have at least 1 or 2 LRM boats firing 4+ LRMs per salvo.)