Yeah. Didn't get that far yet.
I didn't really realize that leveling the Locust would be such slow work. Seriously. It's a time sink. There will be many matches were you only do 150 damage and earn a meager 300 XP. But I did get the basics out of the way for the 1V pretty much by using this build:
But Rhaythe, you say.That build sucks. Single heat-sinks? And you're not even using the biggest engine!
Yes, yes, I know. I didn't want to spend the 1.5 mill on doubles, and honestly, using single heat-sinks made it more of a challenge. As for the engine, I needed a bigger gun, and here's why:
I've been a light pilot since I joined the game. My first mech was a Raven 3L. I like to think I'm pretty good with it. K2D above 2 since stat-tracking was enabled. I still whip that mech out, and usually balance my time in a fastmover between it and the X5.
But the Locust confounded me. At least, at first.
Everything changes with the Locust. Tactics. Speed. Engagement. Everything. You have to pick your matches. You have to choose when to expose yourself and when not to. But most of all, you have to find something bigger than you and stay with it. Always.
Locusts are not scouts. They're not snipers. They're not intelligence-gatherers or even good base cappers. They're meaningless. They're irrelevant.
And as such, when standing next to something bigger (even a commando), they get ignored.
That's how you play the Locust. Slap something heavy on there and become invisible. Fade away in the fight and do that little bit of extra damage that's going to help win a skirmish, and then move onto the next fight. You have the speed to move from engagement to engagement, but you will never win a fight on your own.
My stats seem to be ticking upward ever since I realized this. After 24 games, I have a 1.36 K2D ratio on the 1V (19k to 14d) with an average of 148 damage per game.
148 damage per game?! Holy {Scrap}, dude, you say. That's worthless!
Yeah, probably. But just last night, I had a Victor charging me, PPC's a-blazin, seeing me standing there with one leg and one arm and smoking like crazy. He didn't even bother to torso twist to protect his exposed shoulder.
One ER Laser blast to it, and he went down. Hilarity ensued. Kind of made the whole endeavor worthwhile.
So why would you play the Locust? Well, here's why:
- You like skirting from battle to battle and taking in more combat. I see more fights per match than in any other mech, and it's quite common for me to get 10+ assists every game.
- You like the challenge. It's not easy being a Locust pilot. So if the game's too easy for you with your dual-PPCs, this is the mech for you.
- You like trolling. Because seriously. An Atlas taken down by a Locust. No assault pilot likes that.
- You hate yourself. Because it's work. A lot of work.
Edited by Rhaythe, 13 January 2014 - 05:08 AM.