Ui 2.0 Preview 3⅓ - New Issues
Posted 15 January 2014 - 10:23 AM
This thread is for any specific new issues discovered in testing the UI 2.0. If you would like to leave qualitative or general feedback on design, please use the Feedback Questionnaire Thread.
Please provide as much detail as possible. You can consult our Bug Reporting Guide for tips on how to make your feedback more effective for us.
Reproduction Rate:
Steps to Reproduce:
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:03 AM
Description: Some mechs are missing MC purchase option (CDA-2©)
Location: Mech purchase menu
Reproduction Rate: 100%
Steps to Reproduce: Attempt to purchase trial mech CDA-2(C) from mechs listed as trial mechs.
Title: Mechs listed out of order in mech purchasing screen
Description: Mechs seem out of order in buy menu, Catapults on 2 different levels with no apparent reason and Jaegers going from bottom right on one row to top left on the row above it.
Location: Mech purchasing store
Reproduction Rate: 100%
Steps to Reproduce: Take a look at it
Title: Unable to double click to add or remove items from a mech
Description: When editing a mech's loadout, unable to 'double click to remove' an item that is already in the mech. Normally this would remove the item from the mech and place it in the inventory, assumed to be a bug since that functionality exists in 1.5. The same is true when trying to add an item to a mech, it must be clicked and dragged now.
Location: Mech loadout
Reproduction Rate: 100%
Steps to Reproduce: Attempt to double click to remove an item in the mech, or to add an item to the mech.
Title: Mechlab loadout list blocks the cart total information in windowed mode
Description: In Mechlab windowed mode the mech component list (mech locations like left leg, left arm, etc) occludes some of the information on the left side of the screen, specifically 'cart total'.
Location: Mechlab loadout
Reproduction Rate: 100%
Steps to Reproduce: Open Center torso or anything with 3 or more equipment type options and take a look at the cart total while in windowed mode
Title: Cannot minimize an open mech section in mech loadout
Description: Additionally it seems I cannot minimize an open 'mech component' without opening another one, there is no way to minimize all open sections that I can tell (may be feature request instead of bug, if it is not intended to work that way currently).
Location: Mechlab loadout
Reproduction Rate: 100%
Steps to Reproduce: Open a mech loadout, open any component by clicking on it, try to click it again to close it.
Title: Endo steel upgrade purchase does not have a 'confirm' dialog
Description: Endo steel does not prompt a 'confirm' dialog compared to other upgrade
Location: Mechlab Upgrades
Reproduction Rate: 100%
Steps to Reproduce: Attempt to outfit a mech with Endo Steel structure provided it has the space for it.
Title: Armor add/remove triggers multiple of the same sound play in rapid succession
Description: Armor +/- keys play a sound on pressing and on releasing, this is the same sound and it seems like a bug since it overlaps the original sound play.
Location: Mechlab loadout
Reproduction Rate: 100%
Steps to Reproduce: Click the up or down arrows to add/remove armor and release, listen for the double play of the sound that occurs as you release.
Title: 'no texture' placeholder appears occasionally instead of cockpit glass texture.
Description: In-Game; Occasionally the cockpit glass texture flickers briefly to a 'no texture found' placeholder image. Low reproduction success - initially happened on switch from 3PV to 1PV after match start on Canyon Networks in SHD-2D2
Location: In a match
Reproduction Rate: Low, only got it to happen once for 2 seconds.
Steps to Reproduce: Be in 3PV by default, switch to 1pv on match start. Tested in SHD-2D2 on Canyon Networks.
Edited by Monky, 16 January 2014 - 12:51 PM.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:05 AM
still don't seem to be able to sell armor in the inventory
Testing grounds not under "play now"
Inventory and testing grounds are in the home screen which is very unintuitive.
In order to go into testing ground with a mech you want you'd have to go back to mech lab, select mech, go back to home screen, and select testing grounds. Whereas to drop into a game via play now button you'd just have to go to mech lab and select mech.
Inventory is also in unintuitive location. If you are in the middle of customizing a mech and you want to sell something from the inventory. you'd have to click out of mechlab, go to home screen click to inventory and sell it. and once you go click on mechlab to resume ediding, the mechlab resets.
Inventory should be moved under Mechlab>Configure>inventory
Edited by Jin Ma, 16 January 2014 - 10:16 AM.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:08 AM
Unable to connect
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Location: Blair, Nebraska
Reproduction Rate: 100%
Steps to Reproduce: Click on Credits link on the Log-In Screen
Edited by Imperius, 16 January 2014 - 10:08 AM.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:09 AM
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:09 AM
Summary: Cockpit item adjustment (mounted)
Description: In my shadowhawk, I have xmas lights mounted, but I can't remove them as there is nothing in the mounted section, I can't add/remove nothing
Location: Mechlab>Configure>Cockpit>Mounted
Reproduction Rate: 1000%
Steps to Reproduce: Open mechlab, choose mech with mounted item, configue it, go to cockpit, try to remove mounted xmas lights.
Summary: Keybindings wrong description of the key ' (quote's key)
Description: when binding the quote key it binds as @k_colon
Location: settings>keyboard
Reproduction Rate:25%
Steps to Reproduce: open settings, click keyboard, assgn ' (quote key) to a key map, it assigns as @k_colon.
(updated info, might just be my issue)
Summary: Changes being removed without warning switching from Mechlab to Pilot Tree
Description: Modify a mech but don't save / check out yet, (i.e. remove head laser from a hunchback), then click pilot skills. No warning, that when you click back to Mechlab, the laser will be back in the headslot.
Location: General UI/ Mechlab
Reproduction Rate:100%
Steps to Reproduce: Remove weapon / item from mech in the mech lab, then without saving, click Pilot Tree button. When returning to the mech lab, you'll have to remove the weapon / item again.
(found by RedEagle86)
Edited by fluffypinkbunny, 16 January 2014 - 10:54 AM.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:13 AM
2. I sent friend invites to some friends that they did not see. A third friend could see both of us and send friend invites to both but we couldn't see each other.
3. In one case a person was in my friend list but I wasn't in his. I tried sending him a message but he couldn't see those either.
4. When the third person invites both of us to a group i can see the person in the group but can't do a friend invite from the group window.
Edited by Mellowseven, 16 January 2014 - 10:16 AM.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:15 AM

Same here.
Would love to test this thing, but every time I click on "Mechlab" or "Select Mech", the game crashes on me. Drivers for my GTX 660 are up to date, Win 8.1 up to date.
EDIT: Didn't download the whole thing, but patched the last public-test-version (which ran fine during the last public test, BTW).
Edited by 1Sascha, 16 January 2014 - 10:21 AM.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:18 AM
Description: Text too small on large resolutions
Location: All UI 2.0
Reproduction Rate: Every time
Steps to Reproduce: Get a 1440p or higher monitor
Edit: Made the issue with the desired format
Edited by Bloodstained, 16 January 2014 - 10:23 AM.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:18 AM
Edited by DarthPayne, 16 January 2014 - 10:19 AM.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:20 AM
Description:I am getting crash if I keep choosing color for too long.
Location:Mechlab-Config-camo spec
Reproduction Rate:100%
Steps to Reproduce:go to camo color selection and keep choosing color until it crash

DarthPayne, on 16 January 2014 - 10:18 AM, said:
You have unlocked colors if you click on arrow down.And yes this new system is stupid...
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:24 AM
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:25 AM
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:25 AM
2) The acceleration/deceleration/turn data for modified light mechs are off the charts. Need to increase the numbers on the charts.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:30 AM
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:31 AM
Klick Mechlab = Crash
Options works :?
Rest klicks result in crashes WTF
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:33 AM
Using a TM Warthog
Even tried to cut and paste my info from the reg. MWO game folder.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:34 AM
As a result, I cannot unmount my Christmas lights.
I cannot unequip my Operation 24 medal, either, because it does not show up with the other items in the Hanging tab.
Edited by Felio, 16 January 2014 - 10:36 AM.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 10:35 AM
JudgeDeathCZ, on 16 January 2014 - 10:20 AM, said:
Ha, you're right, thanks. So, the system is apparently too obscure. You can easily miss something. It's like cursoring through it in a console game where you don't have a mouse. Highly annoying and, on a big screen, lots of wasted free space. Free resolution now, but the layout is not powerful enough to make use of it.
Additional point: Mechlab, Loadout: please sort the weapons by category and weight. Right now, it's just random and stuff is hard to find.
And another one: Mechlab, Loadout: I'd like to see the number of free critical slots overall in the summary on the lower right. Like on Smurphy.
And... Mechlab, Loadout: For consistency, a title like "Wallet" would be good for the MC and CBill totals on the lower left.
Edited by DarthPayne, 16 January 2014 - 10:42 AM.
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