Roland, on 16 January 2014 - 09:16 PM, said:
You mean the one that never left? When they instituted the nonsensical 4 man limit, there was absolutely no reduction in the number of people complaining about how they lost due to premades beating them with hax to the max. The 4 man limit achieved absolutely none of its intended goals, and drive away thousands of players.
Roland. I dig just about everything you say, but ill disagree here.
Let me start by saying I am all for everything that groups want and i completely understand their need. Its also evident that the move from anything to 4 man did indeed put a HUGE dent in the group playerbase.
That being said, complaints about pugstomps really dried up to a trickle after 4 mans were implemented.. Not right away, but over a few months those complaints are almost non existent compared to the height of pugstomping.
I THINK TEAMS SHOULD BE CELEBRATED IN THE GAME> caps bec its true. At its heart this game is about ALL the awesome pilots i have played with and against and teams, and their passion is the mechanism whereby this game can really shine DESPITE the devs.
It boils down to two queues.
You CAN say the player numbers cant support it, but I say the game CANT afford not to have it..
ANd its simple..
Solo queue.. that way you KNOW you werent beaten by a premade, just your team <and you> didnt play well enough to win.
Group queue<with solo filler> This is where id be as a pug. Each side when they drop, the teams are listed. Hell if we were a tiny bit creative there could be a small animation showing team x hitting the field, banner flying.
This creates choices that are almost impossible to complain about. Solos get solos only if they want. Groups get everything they want and solo pilots who dig that sort of thing can round out the teams. Its imperative that groups are displayed for transparency of perceived balance and fairness.
Not to mention, when we see how a particular group does in a match it does something magical . It shows pugs who have come along for the ride what is possible with teamwork, thereby building teams. and HOLY MOLY , promotes the game.
win win. eh.?