p4r4g0n, on 06 October 2014 - 06:17 AM, said:
Worse case scenario, if it isn't a popular option, how much wasted time and resources are we talking about in terms of getting it done?
It's a bit difficult for me to tally the whole feature, but I'd estimate around 2 to 3 days of matchmaker work for a naive implementation, whatever time it takes for UI to get the checkbox on-screen, saved, and hooked up to the new server API, which I'd upper bound at another 1 to 2 days, and testing time.
More concerning would be feature uptake. Currently the matchmaker can follow some simple rules to prune search spaces that will never result in valid games. Any combination of group sizes that results in teams of 11 are currently not considered. Adding this feature would result in the matchmaker having to examine a much larger search space. The other risk factor is whether or not enough users would opt-in to make this a viable feature.
A good implementation would examine the opt-in queue to guide any potential search space optimization. That's more of a research problem, and so I'd start by allocating two to three solid days for algorithmic research, experimentation, and simulation under various opt-in rates.
It doesn't sound like a lot, but we're pulling some pretty hard hours right now for phase II. Allocating a couple days for such a questionable return would be a pretty hard call to make.