Tekadept, on 03 April 2014 - 07:20 PM, said:
Off Topic, are you able to play a solid MWO for a solid period of time since cockpit glass? I am highly succeptible for motion sickness, and cockpit glass makes me feel unwell,when it was first out id last 10-20 seconds, since it was tweaked id go 3-4 minutes max. I have the same issue with "motion blur" on most games, but i can at least turn that off in other games.
And I don't ever see myself wanting to even try an occulus

I've had almost no time for games at all for the last few months

What little time I've had in MWO though, the cockpit glass hasn't really bothered me too much. What gets me nearly all the time is head bobs in FPS's. I can't last more than 15 to 20 seconds without starting to get a headache. Oversensitive mouse controls really bother me too; a couple rapid / instant orientations and I'm pretty much done and have to stop.
Oculus was just way too cool. Once it's calibrated correctly, I can use it for a good 15 or 20 minutes without too much ill effect. The major problem for me was getting correct IPD behaviour. Work cycle was tweak projection matrix code, compile, start program, put on headset with eyes closed, quickly open eyes to see if it worked, quickly close eyes when it didn't, repeat.. This maximized work time for me, but I also ended up pretty ill for a while.
Tekadept, on 03 April 2014 - 07:20 PM, said:
On Topic, say a new programmer comes on board, what kind of learning curve would they have in regards to the automatic generation you have implemented? ie good example, taught not to do manual edits etc

and do you find smaller bugs have a greater impact?
I remember reading a book many many moons ago caled the pragmatic programmer who had a section on writing code that wrote code.. But i figured thats how the whole terminator future started

I joke that we could let design 'write code' in the backend now. It's a joke because we'd never let them I guess, but a good chunk of backend work is now done in XML. You mess up the XML, the build system does a static analysis pass and generates compiler errors in the XML files themselves, with nice little descriptions of what you did wrong. I had a screenshot of an example build error in the talk. I think the ramp time is pretty low if you aren't trying to figure out how it all works. If you're the type that needs to know how everything works, then the ramp time is pretty extreme since it is a highly distributed, asynchronous, event driven server platform written from scratch in C++.
As for the code writing code bits, I think of it more like the automation system in Star Trek III. The one that Scotty set up to control the whole ship from the bridge, which worked great up until they hit inadequately specified state (combat), at which point the entire automation system exploded. That feels more like a code auto generation system

Only with less fire and exploding things.