Dennis de Koning, on 02 May 2014 - 08:05 AM, said:
If you are interested, there is also this article regarding the creation of the 'Mechs:
(Although, we have made modifications to the process in the name of efficiency and consistency; but the overall pipeline is pretty much the same as outlined in the article.)
Dennis, that is an AMAZING write-up about the process, and makes me wish I had put more effort into my 3ds class and Poser program I bought and really didn't do much with!
You guys should be advertising this on the website somewhere, as it puts a lot of things in perspective...
Also, is there any chance you could discuss the situation with the Catapult and dynamically-sized weapons? I want my AC20 Locust to LOOK like an AC20 Locust, not the same as a MG Locust! (Extreme example, but I'm sure you get the point.)
Lastly, and this is actually really close to my heart, but can someone please seriously consider allowing us to change the camo of Hero mechs? I bought the Firebrand before I realized what was plastered all over the mech, and even when I realized, I figured I could just paint it all-black and it would be fine, but the darn glossy symbols on it are visible regardless of what color I try to use to cover them up. I love the mech, and want to get my bonuses from it instead of using my DD every day, but I can't because there are satanic symbols all over it

pwease?... With sugar and waffles on top?