My Feedback Attempt #3
Posted 19 January 2014 - 08:30 AM
I used to be a founder at MWO, but two weeks I spent in the closed beta were the most disgusting MW experience of my life. I made a decision to ask for a refund and eject from MWO.
Now I go back to check it again hoping for better... and find the game in exactly the same state I left it. There's like no gameplay at all. Mechlab is disgusting. UI hasn't changed a bit for all those years and still poses a challenge to navigate around.
It's like the only new things around is a number of terribly-looking maps (it is a mystery to me, the owner of a top tier gaming station, and a graphics programmer, how you people managed to make this game look so damn bad, that it almost looks better when I take off my glasses), a few videos and a minimal variety of game modes.
Please tell me what is good about this game. I fail to see any point why should anyone prefer it to other MW titles from last 15 years. Being just an "MW title with multiplayer" isn't going to cut it. I asked people in chat and all I got back was the "don't play MWO"-styled flame, but no answer as to what would be the reason to play MWO. Maybe boards have any?
Posted 19 January 2014 - 08:45 AM
Ireul, on 19 January 2014 - 08:30 AM, said:
Your mind is obviously made up so why should we waste our breath trying to convince you of something you will never believe?
Posted 19 January 2014 - 08:49 AM
Posted 19 January 2014 - 08:49 AM
I do not play MWO at present for a variety of reasons -- lack of CW being the principal reason. However, I do not regret the purchases I have made. I got my moneys' worth of entertainment from Founders, and there is a chance that Phoenix will pan out in Loyalty boost eventually.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 08:52 AM
Do you remember mech collisions and ballistic drop off? We've since lost those features along with the ability to climb steep slopes. Machine Guns and Flamers still stink and nark is rarely used.
PGI has only removed features that the community really wants back and added features that they said they would never put in. Some examples are 3rd person view, coolant flush, seismic sensors and premium only mech variants.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 08:53 AM
Modo44, on 19 January 2014 - 08:49 AM, said:
You mean, another year? This is my comeback after 2 years blank! And it haven't moved a step! What do you expect to happen in one more year, when 2 years already went by at no progress?
Posted 19 January 2014 - 08:55 AM
Posted 19 January 2014 - 08:55 AM
BFett, on 19 January 2014 - 08:52 AM, said:
As soon as it became available.
BFett, on 19 January 2014 - 08:52 AM, said:
PGI has only removed features that the community really wants back and added features that they said they would never put in. Some examples are 3rd person view, coolant flush, seismic sensors and premium only mech variants.
It was years ago, I don't think I had any leftover impressions.
Because if I had, I won't touch the stuff...
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:02 AM
LauLiao, on 19 January 2014 - 08:45 AM, said:
Your mind is obviously made up so why should we waste our breath trying to convince you of something you will never believe?
Modo44, on 19 January 2014 - 08:55 AM, said:
Dudes, go to hell, seriously.
How many times do I need to repeat that I'm simply trying to see what's good about MWO?
I'm failing. I'm asking for help. What should I do to get answer? Beg? Bake you a cookie? Lick your balls? Die, trolls.
So far I can't see a single good point in MWO which would put it above at least one other MW title.
It looks good? No, actually, I've seen indie games looking better than MWO. A lot. MWO hurts my eyes.
It has multiplayer? Good gods, it's 2014 and "it has multiplayer" is a best feature you can offer?
It is balanced? Well, maybe - after all, with the lack of gameplay it offers shouldn't be that hard.
The #1 answer so far is "I just like it". Well, tell me why!
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:06 AM
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:08 AM
RamsoPanzer, on 19 January 2014 - 09:06 AM, said:
Ah, this answer...
I almost want to ask the same question on the boards of moba communities, which are considered the worst in the world, and bet you a penny I would get nicer answers out of them, than the ones I get here.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:09 AM
Ireul, on 19 January 2014 - 09:02 AM, said:
Dudes, go to hell, seriously.
How many times do I need to repeat that I'm simply trying to see what's good about MWO?
I'm failing. I'm asking for help. What should I do to get answer? Beg? Bake you a cookie? Lick your balls? Die, trolls.
So far I can't see a single good point in MWO which would put it above at least one other MW title.
It looks good? No, actually, I've seen indie games looking better than MWO. A lot. MWO hurts my eyes.
It has multiplayer? Good gods, it's 2014 and "it has multiplayer" is a best feature you can offer?
It is balanced? Well, maybe - after all, with the lack of gameplay it offers shouldn't be that hard.
The #1 answer so far is "I just like it". Well, tell me why!
This little rant tells me, you really don't want to like the game. You personally, are not even attempting to enjoy it, for what it is, at this moment in time. That being the case " my perception of you and your trolling ways " my suggestion would be to just move on, forget you ever saw the game. My guess would be, nothing they do after this, will change your mind ... good luck on future gaming, and good riddance from here.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:09 AM
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:12 AM
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:15 AM
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:15 AM
BFett, on 19 January 2014 - 08:52 AM, said:
Collisions were very buggy. They will be added again, when the positional issues are fixed.
Explain the missing ballistic drop-off. Ballistics do arc -- I see it every single match.
BFett, on 19 January 2014 - 08:52 AM, said:
Everybody knows that the people who post on forums are a very small percentage of the people playing the game. Just because us die-hards didn't want 3PV or flushing doesn't mean the majority didn't want them.
And the reason Premium items are so feared is because everybody's afraid of Pay to Win. None of the Premium 'Mechs are Pay to Win in any way, shape, or form.
BFett, on 19 January 2014 - 08:52 AM, said:
Machine guns and flamers never were good 'Mech to 'Mech weapons. They SHOULD stink in this game, since there are no infantry to mow down or burn. And Narc will never be a good weapon in a real-time game when TAG is an option. It simply weighs too much and is dependent on ammunition.
Ireul, on 19 January 2014 - 08:53 AM, said:
They stopped development on the current stuff when they realized that it would have to be completely redesigned. They have instead sunk the engineering time into the new version, which is coming out next month. That was the main obstacle, so once they have hurdled that, development of other content should proceed at a relatively rapid pace. We actually have a time line now -- linky.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:18 AM
BFett, on 19 January 2014 - 08:52 AM, said:
Not quite true. Knockdowns went away, but collision damage remains. Ballistic drop-off most definitely is still here - try hitting something at beyond max range with ballistic weapons.
Ireul, on 19 January 2014 - 09:02 AM, said:
How many times do I need to repeat that I'm simply trying to see what's good about MWO?
I'm failing. I'm asking for help. What should I do to get answer? Beg? Bake you a cookie? Lick your balls? Die, trolls.
So far I can't see a single good point in MWO which would put it above at least one other MW title.
It looks good? No, actually, I've seen indie games looking better than MWO. A lot. MWO hurts my eyes.
It has multiplayer? Good gods, it's 2014 and "it has multiplayer" is a best feature you can offer?
It is balanced? Well, maybe - after all, with the lack of gameplay it offers shouldn't be that hard.
The #1 answer so far is "I just like it". Well, tell me why!
Re: graphics, DX11 will make a huge difference to most people's fidelity. Not sure when that's coming in, right enough, beyond' Soon'. If it hurts your eyes... well, mine are fine. Can't help that.
Community Warfare is being worked on (God, I hope) and will provide a metagame that people can sink their teeth into, beyond 15-minute matches.
Balance is an on-going process. It's probably better at the moment than it has been in the past, but still nowhere near perfect.
I like the game because I find it fun, for what it is. I'm happy to play it right now while I wait for CW, because I want this game to succeed. I managed to find a playstyle that I enjoy and can apply to many different chassis to mix things up a little, I drop with people I get along well with, and I take a break if I start to get burned out.
There is an element of 'I paid money and I want my worth', but caveat emptor all the way. I don't quite regret my purchase yet.
EDIT: March 4th for DX11.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:30 AM
Ireul, on 19 January 2014 - 08:30 AM, said:
It is not our responsibility to convince you of anything. If you are not capable of making up your own mind, there is nothing anyone can do to help you.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:41 AM
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