Doctor Proctor, on 30 December 2013 - 06:48 AM, said:
Ghost Heat resets every .50 seconds. So, in the case of firing 4 at once, you get the penalty for one AC/2 over the limit, .50 seconds pass and then .02 and your 4xAC/2 goes off again, giving you the normal heat plus the penalty for one AC/2 over the limit.
In the case of scenario #2 Ghost Heat isn't resetting between bursts. So you're firing 2 AC/2's, .25 seconds later you fire 2 more (one of which triggers Ghost Heat) and .25 seconds later you fire 2 more (both of which trigger Ghost Heat because it's never reset) and .25 seconds later....well, you get the drift.
Think of it this way: remember the old 6 PPC Stalker? What if it fired one PPC, then .1 seconds later fired another, then .1 seconds fired another and so on? It would fire all 6 PPC's in .6 seconds, which would still be quite a bit more devastating than firing 2 PPC, .5 seconds later firing 2 more and then .5 seconds later firing 2 more. You would expect that it would incur Ghost Heat when using the .1 second interval though to prevent firing all 6 of them that fast. (Heck, with a macro you could go .01 seconds between shots so that they're all almost simultaneous). The only reason it seems counterintuitive is because the recycle time on AC/2's is very close to the reset time for Ghost Heat.
All weapons affected by "Ghost Heat" resets if you do not shoot another one in the 0.5sec chainfire time.
In case of AC2, its easy to get a lot of ghost heat if you machine-gun fire multiple groups in intervalls below 0.5sec.
Do always shoot all your AC2s together (0.52 sec) and you will be fine.
In case of PPCs, its limit is 2 together in 0.5 sec.
If you shoot 6 PPCs without any >0.5s break, you will overheat like hell.
Here are some graphs for easy overview of how much heat you can expect for the weapons:
The official post back when the heat penalties were introduced can be found here:
Since the PPCs got changed to 10 heat, you need to look at the orange curve here: