This Needs To Be Fixed.
Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:40 PM
Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:41 PM
So... if I made a modification to the User.CFG, that made, oh I don't know, every mech show up on the map with a box around them even if I couldn't actively see them, that would be ok?
Or if I made a modification to the user.cfg that allowed me to look though mountians, or disabled fog, or returned heat vision to it's old style. or or or.
Are you seeing the pattern here? Just because you CAN do something, does not mean that you should. Also, removal of the cockpit confer's a clear advantage to the player using said .cfg configuration, as they do not have to compensate for screen clutter, which is part of the game experience of MWO.
You, are, cheating. Own up to it.
Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:41 PM
Madw0lf, on 29 January 2014 - 12:35 PM, said:
Thats not saying it isnt worth a run just for "science"
the distortion that you see in his video is caused by his FOV being set to 100, max that most people set it too is 85 default is 75
Edited by Shamous13, 29 January 2014 - 12:43 PM.
Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:46 PM
Kazly, on 29 January 2014 - 12:39 PM, said:
Kyle Polulak, on 29 January 2014 - 12:03 AM, said:
Yes, it's in user.cfg afterall.
found in this post. http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__3108225
Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:49 PM
Void Angel, on 29 January 2014 - 12:20 PM, said:
First, I'm intentionally considering all of the rules instead of picking one to pursue with monomaniacal intensity. Nor am I 'enforcing' a rule by pointing it out to you. If any modification of the user.cfg file is acceptable, why is the phrase "in good faith" included?
Viterbi said:
A: Yes. This is the only file open to user modification. We understand that at times there can be a need to modify the user.cfg, for example certain joystick configurations are not fully implemented on the in-game options screen and may require manual configuration through this file. As long as you are editing the user.cfg file in good faith, this is not a concern. As always, Support will not be able to troubleshoot or support clients that have modifications to this file. Users can request via Support ticket or forum post that the developers open additional parameters in the user.cfg, and we will determine if the request is reasonable.
That paragraph is complete, all rules are set. "In good faith" is not defined, nor do they have a reference to Wikipedia as their definition to what "in good faith" might mean.
A: We do not encourage the use of these types of modifications and in particular should we detect the use of any modification that does any of the following we reserve the right to suspend/ban the account responsible.
a) Alters visibility significantly from the original product to gain unfair tactical advantages
b ) Changes game assets sounds, models, or maps, to gain tactical advantages
c) Attempts to circumvent the map selection process
d) Exploits bugs or existing game mechanics
You can go ahead and assume that their subset of rules a-d from the second question applies to the first, but, to me that doesn't appear to be the intent. The USER.CFG is controlled via other .CFGs embedded in the ENGINE.PAK that PGI has total and complete control over, thus limiting the effectiveness of the USER.CFG. Maybe we find an option that provides us with a better view, but the intent was NOT to use it out of "bad faith" but an interest in improving our own gaming experience.
PGI can later disable that function if they want, the second question is specific to modifying either the texture files, or the embedded non-user CFG files which PGI can't easily control or maintain and would provide the users with untold ability to do things not commonly available to everyone else.
No, the crux of this issue is whether or not PGI has given express permission to modify the game client in this way. They have not, of course. The FAQ is clear on that, and the TOS is very clear that modifications are not permitted except by their express permission. The user.cfg question on the FAQ specifically references "need" and gives hardware configuration as an example. This does not constitute the express permission you need to claim that PGI has unequivocally allowed this modification.
My standing is, here's the specific rule on what I've done. Was it allowed or not, THE LAST WORD, we received from an ACTUAL PAID PGI EMPLOYEE was, "Yes."
This portion of the discussion is no longer moot, and hasn't been so, for a few pages...
Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:51 PM
Madw0lf, on 29 January 2014 - 12:30 PM, said:
Honestly this should either be disabled or added as an in game option (with balancing, like 3PV) Because, yes, it does give a mild advantage in the form of situational awareness

Im not going to fault you for the performance increase, but it seems rather trivial to me. But then my system can just barely run this game on lowest settings.....
EDIT: And now i see youre running on a high end machine, with high end settings enabled.....
Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:58 PM
Kazly, on 29 January 2014 - 12:39 PM, said:
Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:01 PM
We had the same issues back in MW4...
If you make weird limits to player visibility, then folks will find ways to eliminate those limits.. Then you will be left with a game which penalizes players who don't know how to work around things in the game.
In MW4, there were ways to turn off things like fog, or for night maps you could just jack your gamma (which is exactly what folks do on night maps in THIS game). So in many leagues, they just eliminated those game modes from competitive play. Since you couldn't tell if someone was jacking their gamma, or turning off their fog, they just made all of the games take place with the environment set to day/clear.
It's always bad to make players have to choose between the game looking pretty, and being competitively. The game should look the best when set up for the most advantageous view.
Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:03 PM
Jade Kitsune, on 29 January 2014 - 12:41 PM, said:
So... if I made a modification to the User.CFG, that made, oh I don't know, every mech show up on the map with a box around them even if I couldn't actively see them, that would be ok?
Or if I made a modification to the user.cfg that allowed me to look though mountians, or disabled fog, or returned heat vision to it's old style. or or or.
You, are, cheating. Own up to it.
Just because it looks different, doesn't automatically mean it's cheating. If that were the case then everyone who adjusts FoV to fit the display to their monitors better, or buys a multi-monitor supporting video card and sets up a near 180 degree display is "cheating".
And we all already know that's not the case.
Jade Kitsune, on 29 January 2014 - 12:48 PM, said:

Let me clarify, I'm not dis'ing Destined on this at all, but the 'intimacy' of knowledge would be limited to someone not direct contact with the development staff.
Also, the initial knee jerk reaction was based off of WILD speculation of how I managed the change. I saw posts in various threads of people accusing me of modifying the skins on up to actually rewriting a portion of the Crysis engine.
It "felt" like I had to cajole them into even contacting me, and when they did, again it "felt" like I had to force the facts into their faces, which was only adding a total of 14 characters to my USER.CFG.
Then shortly AFTER that message, and I hope were reviews of comparisons of the before/after, a new message was delivered from someone else and this time someone from the actual development staff (probably Destined was home for the evening as it was pretty expletive late when the new stance was published, and this thread reopened).
Edited by Dimento Graven, 29 January 2014 - 01:22 PM.
Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:05 PM
Roland, on 29 January 2014 - 01:01 PM, said:
We had the same issues back in MW4...
If you make weird limits to player visibility, then folks will find ways to eliminate those limits.. Then you will be left with a game which penalizes players who don't know how to work around things in the game.
In MW4, there were ways to turn off things like fog, or for night maps you could just jack your gamma (which is exactly what folks do on night maps in THIS game). So in many leagues, they just eliminated those game modes from competitive play. Since you couldn't tell if someone was jacking their gamma, or turning off their fog, they just made all of the games take place with the environment set to day/clear.
It's always bad to make players have to choose between the game looking pretty, and being competitively. The game should look the best when set up for the most advantageous view.
In the end, these items should never be introduced without the ability to toggle them in the Options menu.
Here is how cockpit glass should have worked...
"We've implemented cockpit glass, it is by default turned off in the client. If you would like to use the feature, go in and turn it on to try it."
No one starts out at a disadvantage, and anyone that wants to use it can do so.
FOV should probably be the same way.
"We have implemented a field of view slider, it is by default set so you are in the "middle", you may now move it to where you want it.
Honestly with FOV going from middle to extreme isn't that big a difference.
Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:12 PM
Dimento Graven, on 29 January 2014 - 01:03 PM, said:
Actually I'm going to take the word of an actual PAID PGI employee over the word of an IGP 'volunteer' Forum Moderator, yes.
Who's position has 0 to do with the game design.
You may as well be siding with the Pope on this issue.
As for my reason that it's a cheat... I also frankly consider using MACRO's a cheat also... as it's an external program doing the imput of the button command and not yourself.
I also side with orginizations like MLG that states that use of Turbo controllers is cheating. [which is what a macro does essentially]
You are explicitly modifying a file, to change an implimented feature that was put on everyone, meaning the feature was intended to be something that impacts everyone. by removing this, you are not playing the game as intended... thus cheating.
This line of logic is NOT hard to follow.
Edited by Jade Kitsune, 29 January 2014 - 01:17 PM.
Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:20 PM
Without the need for a cockpit there's no need to put any dev effort towards making more cockpit items to sell and they can work on more worthwhile things such as maps ect.
This is exactly why they'll nerf it eventually.
Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:25 PM
FupDup, on 27 January 2014 - 11:06 AM, said:
Yup. Just like getting around the added Heat when players liked clustering multiples of the same weapon type on a chassis.

Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:28 PM
Sandpit, on 27 January 2014 - 11:25 AM, said:
Totally allowed, they even set up maximums. Not sure if going that far forward is a good thing or not. To listen to him though, he got a new video card. I have seen Trees on that Map forever.
He should have went to Mordor and cranked up the RES. It is hot, but that Map is sweeet to look at when the Lava is flowing free, the ash is flying around and the Volcanoes are erupting.

Edited by Almond Brown, 29 January 2014 - 01:28 PM.
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