Marvyn Dodgers, on 30 January 2014 - 04:43 PM, said:
The session will time out if you are sitting in the mechlab for too long (though a minute or two seems to short). If repair tool doesn't work and you still have issues, try submitting a support ticket with an explanation and DXDiag and Omicron log (search forums if you need to know how to do either) attached. Good luck with resolution.
I'm aware of the time-out-issue. However: This was right after logging in plus one or two minutes, tops. Got in, waited for the game to "wake up" so I switched over to my browser to quickly read something. When I went back to the game about a minute later or so, thinking now I'd be able to actually access Mechlab, it gave me the "session lost" error. I'm guessing it must've been some sort of net-related hic-up - I haven't gotten the error again since I posted it here.