MischiefSC, on 02 February 2014 - 07:24 AM, said:
The truth is that poptarting is a cheap and effective trick, much like boating PPCs used to be when they were the superior weapon.
The real issue is that people get attached to particular tricks and don't want to see the change. Poptarting is a bunk concept and stymies other viable fighting mechanics. All efforts to shoot at the enemy involve leaving cover. You're no more exposed while poptarting than you are leaning around a corner. It doesn't involve some extra vulnerability. Poptarting just lets you put 30 points in a single location on a target at ~500m while exposing yourself for only a second or two, way less time than ridge-humping or corner leaning. Thus it provides the least exposure to enemy fire for putting your alpha shot out there.
That's it. Poptarting is the maximization of the pinpoint alpha meta. Fixing SRMs isn't going to fix that and 30 points at 500m with 1.5s of exposure is always going to trump 40 points at 120m with 4s of exposure as you try to brawl.
The best solution though isn't trying to nerf shooting while JJing (or more to the point shooting on the way back down from JJing) but to make ACs and PPCs have a brief DOT effect. Enough to spread that damage on the down-shot or require someone stay out of cover longer. 0.5 sec fire time on PPCs and ACs 10 and up. as we won't be seeing convergence this would be an easy fix to a lot of the games balance issues.
It's unfortunate that this continues to fall on deaf ears. Or at least ears stuffed with cotton while Paul puts his fingers in them, while screaming "LA LA LA" over and over.