Jaguar Prime, on 28 January 2014 - 05:18 PM, said:
3 things:
1) You have to jump higher now instead of taking the shot on the way up for short jumps. So more opportunity to receive fire from the enemy. (Sorry if you have an issue hitting mechs hanging in the air.)
Unless you're using something with a high weapons mount to begin with. It doesn't take long to line a shot up, especially thanks to being able to F4 your eyeballs above the hill in complete safety now.
It doesn't take much practice. Go hump a hill in the Training Grounds for a bit with nobody shooting back, you'll get the hang of it.
Bingo! Aim for center of mass. No more precision poptarting, and that's the whole darn point.
And surprise, we have 3PV (non optional) with respawn (Dropship) matches on the way. Boing boing, bot brotha.
I want to kill jump -sniping-, not jump-and-shoot. You can jump. You can shoot. You will hit. You just won't precision-poke a 30 point alpha into their CT while making yourself as difficult to counter-punch as you possibly can- which is why we darn well did the pogo-stick Safety Dance in MW4 and yes, if you hated it you could avoid it by changing servers.
There is no changing servers for MWO.
Hahahahah NO. I was experimenting with bouncing around since closed beta in my lil' ol Founder's 'Mech, then the other Cats (cause Streak pogoing was fun) later on. Well before the 'Phract 3D and company. The first jump snipers were PPC/LL mounting Catapults in MWO, which helped with dealing with the dominant sniper of the day, the K2 Gaussapults. Pop up, slap a few PPC bolts down the lane, drop back down while minimizing your chance for a 30-point riposte. Get rushed? Feed them Streaks/ML's/SRM's to taste (depending on if it's the 4-energy 2-missile or 4-missile 2-energy chassis). A few SRM 6's + 2 ML's was generally enough to take out targets you'd softened up on the way in, or make a fair fight of it against anything fast enough to rush.
Edit add: I should also say the high ELO games I've occasionally gotten shoved into? Last one was Caustic.
The caldera wall had two lances worth of giant robots doing their best dolphin imitations as they crested the stone wall-waves and chattered at me. With guns.

Screw you, Flipper Gundams. And on the other side, so were my team. They clearly hadn't eaten enough fish so they became bait instead. I tried to get around, but the rest of team Evil Porpoise was smart enough to cover them and I ate enough AC/20 ammo to restock a Boomjager going after them. Appropriate, as that's what delivered it as my ground pounder crested behind them. Boom goes the Battlemaster.
Edited by wanderer, 28 January 2014 - 08:41 PM.