Mcchuggernaut, on 28 January 2014 - 12:37 PM, said:
I make this statement because I was here for 8v8, and enjoyed it more, so I feel I have room to talk. I couldn't put it into words WHY before, but I feel I can now. My reason is pretty simple: I like to feel as though what I do is directly controlling the outcome of the game. Like my bad play helps result in our loss, or really good play either helps us achieve victory, or at the very least avoids a roflstomp. Right now in 12v12, you are insignificant. I feel like I could go stand in a corner and power down at the start of a match, and only effect the outcome of games by an un-noticeable statistical margin. I can be having a stellar game and have racked up good damage and a few kills, and then my team gets killed off due to bad positioning or shoddy play, and next thing I know I am swarmed and rolled under by the enemy since my backup has all been killed. Likewise, I can literally not fire a single shot the whole game, and my team will win in a landslide. I have seen both of these situations an awful lot. I have a great K/D (for a mostly pure PUG player), yet feel like I am not truly turning the tide of battle one way or another except in small groups at the end of the game when it's a close match.
I wonder if I am the only one who feels like this. I would love to see an option to select 8V8, or even a mode for 4v4 combat between single lances. Sure, there were still plenty of one-sided matches in 8v8 play, but at least I felt a bit more responsible for it and in control. Currently, I have the feeling that my actions are arbitrary, and depend on the luck of how well my teammates play and where our metal death blob ends up positioned on the map more than how well I aim, torso twist, use cover, kill or disable enemies, ect...
So anyway...I don't think the option for smaller groups will "fix the game" or anything, but I will at least feel more connected to the effects of my actions and like they impact my game experience more.
Thanks for reading and I want to hear people's responses!
Wow finally a pug gets it! To repeat:
Ryoken, on 18 January 2014 - 01:11 PM, said:
Most players massively overestimate their impact on the outcome of the battle! This game is not counterstrike where you can headshot 5 other players with one clip if your reflexes are good. Your reaction gets toned down by the mechs moving speed and you have to hit an enemy several times to kill him. Also you do not have respawn, so after your hitpoints are gone you can not restart with fresh ones and keep on your 5 kills per clip killing spree. Your impact is just 1/12th of the team! Even if you are a very good player, and always drop with the best meta fitting heaviest mech (like HGN-733C nowadays) of the moment - you will hardly overcome a winratio of lets say 55 to 60%!
These numbers will not change by the number and size of premades that are randomly distrebuted by random or equaly among the two teams, if you drop solo! So there is no reason why solo playing players should have the right to tell the team oriented population of the server how big their teams should be. It is even absurd to demand prohibition of teamplay in a MMO.
The win loss ratios of team players however will be affected by bigger premade sizes! If you always play together with 7 friends, and you all are very bad players, your winratio will go down below to even 40-30%ish values. Because unlike the solo dropping player who always has a fresh chance of getting a better or worse team than the enemy team, you and your 7 bad playing friends always stick together and always drag down your chance of winning by your own bad play. Same goes the other way around if you form a team with 7 good playing friends who even might compensate your own bad playing.
So to sum it up:
Does premade size matter for winratio of solo dropping players? Answer is NO!
Does premade size matter for winratio of team dropping players? Answer is YES!
No offense meant, but can you please go and tell this to all those pugs that are blaming the "evil premades" for ruining their games?!
Edited by Ryoken, 29 January 2014 - 10:57 AM.