Right now there looking at launch and return angles. The Arch is way to high and downward arch is also messed up.
This is also even more messed up when spotted by a light mech.
Angle of Launch allows you to sit in a canyon and still shoot off the missiles.
The downward return angle and mid air arch is so messed up short, medium and high cover are worthless as the missiles just arch over it. When spotted by a light mech missiles will curve at unrealistic angles to hit the target.
Only the tallest cover will save you now.
LRM 5 rate of fire needs to be reduced. When link fired in multiple groups the rate of fire is unrealistic. Add in Fast fire and you can pound a guy flat in about 1min 30sec
LRM 5 missile groups need to be spread out more as they all will impact dead CT without TAG or Artmis to help them.
AMS does nothing to stop a constant stream of LRM 5 tubes.
There is still a debate going on as to how to launch your missiles old school LRM guys like me will go with the big salvo of 50 missiles and try to TAG your CT, RT or LT.
Newer LRM guys like to Link fire so that a constant stream of LRMs hits the target this also burns out a mechs AMS faster. And with LRM 5 can burn out other AMS system around the target.
How do you counter this type of cheese LRM style play.
Easiest way is to have a ECM Raven, Spider, Commando, or Cicada put a ECM bubble around the LRM. Low single means no lock. No lock no missiles fire.
Screen your forces with ECM.
Have a light knock out the LRM launchers. Very effective on A1 Cats since the missiles are in the arms with about 35 armor each max. No arms No missiles launch.
Use a route that gives you complete LRM protection.
Aggressive style of play LRM have a min Range if you charge up close the LRM cant hurt you. When you form a skirmish line at 800 meters you play right into a LRM hands as he just keeps shooting you while you cower doing no damage per second. As I said cover does nothing right now. If spotted by a light mech its game over.
All light mechs have to do right now is press R and a LRM boat will get a kill 90% of the time.
Edited by Corbon Zackery, 31 January 2014 - 10:24 PM.