Help Me Understand Machmaker (I.e. What Am I Doing Wrong)
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:01 AM
So, I kept track of my games this morning. I played all 12 games in my 5M Stalker, which you can see here:
I took screenshots and kept track of my stats, and I am actually really proud of my preformance. In all but one of the games, I feel like I preformed very well, averaging 642 damage per game, and averaging 2 kills and 3 assists. The highest was 5 kills and 1 assist, the lowest was 1 kill 2 assists. Highest damage was 840, lowest damage was 320. In 7 of the twelve games, I was in the top three players from either side in both damage and kills, and in 10 of the 12 games, I was the top player in both damage and kills on my team.
Here's the thing. I lost all twelve of those games, and badly at that. Not a single game was even close. Most were 12-6, the closest match was 7-12, the worst was 4-12.
I'm trying not to sound elitist, but I can't think of a nice way to say it, so I'll just say it. I was extremely dissapointed with the preformance of the teams I was placed on, and that is what lead me to my question:
If the pairing was completely random, then the law of statistics would indicate that of the 12 games I played this morning, I should have been randomly placed on the winning team roughly half the time, but instead I was placed on the losing team 100% of the time.
So, my question is this: Am I doing something wrong? Is my ELO too high or too low? Am I being penalized by matchmaker by taking an assult mech instead of something lighter? Am I pugging against premades and I just don't realize it? Is there a reason I am being placed on the losing team so much more often than the winning team? Is this simply a statistical anomoly, or most importantly, is there something I can do about it?
Thank you for your time. Serious answers only please.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:09 AM
To counter some of those issues, play around evening US time -- when most players are active -- and find a group. There is not much more you can do.
Edited by Modo44, 05 February 2014 - 09:12 AM.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:12 AM
And the nature of a game with big, slow robots is that it's sensitive to quick swings of fortune. One wrong move and you pay for it dearly, because you can't hop back into cover. And once a team is down by a couple of mechs, the rout is on. The other side has fewer targets to shoot at, and a comeback will be difficult.
Tonnage isn't a factor for me. If it were tonnage causing the stomps, then all the matches which ARE evenly matched by tonnage should be more balanced generally. But I still experience tons of stomps in them. This is a simple logical test that nobody really seems to follow.
There are a few things you can do to even the odds and assist your team. I recommend visiting the link in my signature for a few of them. In general, though, pugging is no man's land, and that's often the case in every shooter. Best solution is to find a good group of friends to play with.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:16 AM
On the other hand, the way the MM works is that it will put with players with relatively close elo scores, and usually both teams have similar elo scores. The problem is when the match maker takes longer than normal, as then it expands the search pool. That leads to situations where you will end up in a team with some seriously low rank players, because some high rank players joined you as well. Technically that should even out, but this is a numbers game, and 2 good players can't always compensate for 4 not as good players.
The MM does favor groups also, but that is going to get fixed soon I think. I would honestly recommend finding a group to play with. There are loads of public servers open for everyone. I play on the Davion server most of my time, however this link
Edited by IraqiWalker, 05 February 2014 - 09:17 AM.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:18 AM
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:25 AM
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:33 AM
If you want to talk statistics, you'd need to look at every match, not just the matches for a day. The matchmaker is not going to look at your loss streak and give you a win, you have to earn those wins. Elo adjustments can bring you down to a more equitable level, but that takes time.
You can keep blaming the matchmaker, or you can pick yourself up by the bootstraps and improve your game. Improve your teamwork, improve your mech build. An LRM boat can be frustrating without team support, and you don't even have a TAG to pierce ECM. This is a mech build that thrives on teamwork and communication, and sometimes a pug drop will mean nobody on the team is equipped (or willing, or capable) to be your target spotter.
- Try different mech builds (try a TAG! Try direct fire instead of LRM, etc)
- Try playing with teammates via VOIP
- Practice
- Don't cite law of statistics
Edited by Redshift2k5, 05 February 2014 - 09:33 AM.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:40 AM
TheCaptainJZ, on 05 February 2014 - 09:25 AM, said:
It has turned many matches for me. Also, reminding people that they can lock on their targets. That can swing a desperate brawl as well. Don't always shout commands in CAPSLOCKRAEG mode, people sometimes ignore it.
Also, the general rule of thumb is to keep the herd together as much as possible. The more the group sticks together the better their chance of success is in PuGs. Unless they're facing a ten mech line with LB10Xs, then you're just scrapped.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:51 AM
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:53 AM
If you typically do very using direct fire assaults, say a Victor. Now you drop in an LRM assault. You still do very well, but are not able to affect the outcome the same way you would in your Victor. Specifically, enemies stay alive 5-10 seconds longer due to LRM travel time and damage spreading. 5-10 seconds times 12 bad guys = 4 dead teammates; the difference between a win and a loss.
If you typically do very well in a pre-made, and now drop solo for a while. You still do very well, but are not able to affect the outcome the same way. Specifically, your excellent battle sense is not being shared with 3 other teammates and you are stuck in the critical moment without additional backup. The difference between a win and a loss.
The common thread is that if the parameters change it can take ELO some time to compensate. There's also bad luck, and 12 games is small enough to defy statistics.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:53 AM
Redshift2k5, on 05 February 2014 - 09:33 AM, said:
I think you may have misunderstood. I cited statistics and the law of averages to point out that since the matchmaker is producing such skewed results, that I might benefit from understanding it better and learning how to "game" it, for lack of a better term. At no point did I mean to indicate that I somehow deserve to win half my games.
Redshift2k5, on 05 February 2014 - 09:33 AM, said:
I am not blaming matchmaker, I am trying to understand how it works so I can, if possible, improve the quality of players I am placed with.
Redshift2k5, on 05 February 2014 - 09:33 AM, said:
My stalker is not strictly an LRM boat, at least that is not the way I play it. I play it as a multi-range brawler. And, like I said, I am not having trouble with my performance. I am doing just fine. In fact I am outperforming almost everyone I am placed alongside. It is my teammates that are my concern, or at least, the system that put me with them.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:16 AM
Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:18 AM
Nikkoru, on 05 February 2014 - 09:53 AM, said:
If you're not joining with friends into a 2-4 man group, there is nothing you can do you improve your teammates. The Elo system is pretty broad and pulls in players from a wide range of Elo scores, and does the same thing to the enemy team.
If your personal performance is well, then maybe it's teamwork skills you need to work on. Try to corral the pugs into some semblance of order, open the line of communication. If one person is collecting damage and kills but not working cohesively, then the team as a whole will struggle with focus-fire and defensive/offensive maneuvers.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:36 AM
Here is a thought that I run by (pilot), don't be afraid of dying.. I don't mean be dumb ass and run out into the middle of the other team but don't run and hide either. From my understanding ELO is based on won/lose and death, The more you lose and/or die the lower your Elo will be, so the more fun you can have with less skilled teams (killin them with impunity is a blast). If my team loses more than 4 players I will (many times) brawl to the death and take as many with me as I can, getting the pain of a slow death over with so I can move on to another match. This may not be the best way to play but it works for me. I used to keep 4 mechs ready to ROCK but with the new interface I have no idea where the mechs are anymore in the jumble of mettle that PGI calls the mech lab. With a little luck they will sort this out (mech lab) sooner rather than later but that is for another thread. Good luck and if your not having fun do something else life is to short
Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:44 AM
Hmmm, I'll have to think about that one.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:51 AM
All it takes is one or more teammates to wander off, get murdered and that can snowball. Or the enemy team gets the high ground, flanks etc. All of a sudden, it's suddenly 12-8, your team is panicking and offering no effective resistance.
Look at it this way. If you were perfectly matched against the enemy team, Elo-wise, and they pulled off a brilliant tactical move and stomped your team, is that the MM's fault? Would it look any different from the screen shots you posted?
Or one of your guys is having a bad day, turned left instead of right and got swarmed by lights? Then his buddy who was trying to help gets swarmed. Then they Tag you for their LRM boats.....is that the MM's fault?
One last thought. Maybe you have a low Elo in Assault mechs? Are you new to that weight class? If so then you have the same Elo as every new player until you get some more battles under your belt....
Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:56 AM
Nick Makiaveli, on 05 February 2014 - 10:51 AM, said:
Interesting. I thought each player has a single ELO regardless of what mech they were in. Does each player have a different ELO for each weight type? Or chassis? Or individual mech? How does it actually work?
Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:07 AM
Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:09 AM
Modo44, on 05 February 2014 - 11:07 AM, said:
So perhaps part of my problem is that my assault ELO is vastly different than my light ELO.
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