You might note we do not normally maintain a recruiting thread here or on Outreach. As we always strive to remain selective and to ensure quality over quantity, recruiting quietly and personally is our way. We open this for a very specific reason and it will be for a limited time.
We seek reconnaissance pilots, not merely pilots good in light mechs. While we have quite a few highly capable light pilots within our Galaxy already, they are not focused on that playstyle, nor is it their preference. They pilot in those roles because those roles are necessary in a team based, competitive match in several of the leagues -- we see this as a natural progression towards the community warfare promised by PGI.
What we seek when we say recon pilots are those that not only are capable pilots but who ENJOY that facet of the game (limited though it may be at this time). Those that revel in the speed, the stealth and the ability to strike from the Smoke of battle and then smartly fade away before becoming overwhelmed by the mass of their enemies. Those who can conversely, engage in the vicious knife fights successfully, common to light-on-light engagements. This is a rarer breed of Mechwarrior and one we find ourselves lacking in the right numbers to satisfy our wartime needs.
We are a mix of casual (some are even just weekenders) and competitive ("core") pilots of all levels of experience, and are competing in the Marik Civil War, with hopes to compete in Proxis once it is back off the ground. Our formal practices and tournament matches are normally scheduled around 9pm EST.
We are a Clan-lore based unit and do have a vetting process. While this may sound cumbersome to some, we feel it ensures we are getting people of the right temperament, play-style and maturity. Additionally, it ensures an applicant can play with us enough to truly see if we are the right fit for them.
The vetting process:
- An interested party fills out an application at our website (
- The applicant is asked to submit screenshots of their weapons stats and mechstats to the Oathmaster....this information is kept private to the leaders and is used to assess a pilot's trends in performance. Nothing more. It is not publicly shared, nor is it used a measuring stick to see who gets invited. Your stats tell a story, that's all.
- We drop casually, at formal practices, etc for 7-21 days and once people see enough of the applicant they call for a vote.
- Blooded Mechwarriors vote aff, neg or abstain:barring any issues, the candidate is welcomed as a full member!
Failing means you are voted in as a Mechwarrior
Completing it means you are voted in as at least a Blooded Warrior (or above, depending on your skill and results).
Someone who fails their ToP can reattempt it at a later date (typically a one week period between attempts).
Blooded Warriors vote on applicants, can become Blood Officers for the ToPs and can become leaders within the organization. Those are the three key differences between MW and BMW.
For those coming from Clan backgrounds who have completed a ToP or similar process before, your ToP may be waived, pending confirmation. We take you as isorla, and immediately cut your bondcord making you a Blooded member immediately after your vote.
We seek applicants with the following pertinent requirements (we understand if you do not have all of these at a minimum, but hope you will use your best judgement on where you elect to "waive" these):
- A minimum of 1,000 drops
- Of those drops 450+ in lights/CDA's
- Mastery (not merely eliting) of 3 of the following:
- COM-2D
- RVN-3L
- SDR-5D
- JR7-F/K
- CDA-3M
- A significant preference towards piloting lights/CDA's over other models.
- An ability to fight as a team, understanding the role of the light in tonnage limited league play (whether you have much 12-man experience or not).
We encourage all who seek a good team-environment that embraces both casual and competitive play, with an outlook geared towards getting better in the competitive scene aggressively, to consider us regardless of weight class.
Good hunting.
Edited by Lukoi, 14 February 2014 - 09:11 AM.