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A Few Suggestions, Straight To The Point

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#1 HerBlerGerBler


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 01:22 PM

1. mech lab needs a "strip mech" command so you can easily take everything off one mech.

2. you need a save button for the loadout instead of having to hit checkout. or at least if someone hits the play button ask if they want to save.

3. show what items are already owned but equipped on a different mech. maybe ask if you want to take those items to equip them to the current mech instead of wasting a pilots time.

#2 juxstapo


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:25 PM

Agreed on all points.

I'm embarassed to admit the 'checkout' thing stymied me for a few good minutes.

Krex, I'mma link to your thread, k?

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