I finally was graced in drop by our Noble Mechwarrior (his poor Elo must be taking a beating. So sad). On Alpine, he had a Skye Ranger pre-made with him.
Well, rather than mingle with a bunch of Noobs, they decide to go and "win the match" on their own, going over to the peak between the radio tower and the upper spawn base. Leaving our forces split.
Needless to say it didn't go particularly well for them, and by extension the rest of the "team". Me and my dropmate, Grog were literally the last 2 left, in Embers, against 8 Opfor Mechs. Grog had already netted a kill, and we saw the writing on the wall, so decided to try to divide the enemy and conquer (or at least not die too horribly, lol), stringing them around the Cap Points. Well, we lasted several minutes, and each added a kill, but when saddled with that much FAIL, it was pretty much a foregone conclusion.
I didn't come into this thread to "flame ISP", and hey, this is only one drop, maybe it was a total fluke, and usually they are really great guys and team players. But after all the arrogance and condescending posts on here, I really could care less anymore.
So, if that is the degree of coordination and teamwork and skills that his unit brings to 12 Man, please..... go back there and stop handicapping perfectly good PUGs!
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 10 February 2014 - 09:51 AM.