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Please Make Mechlab Look Like This

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#1 Colin Thrase


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 03:02 PM

Really love the appearance of UI2.0, but I think it still needs some polish. Would you be willing to modify the mechlab selection screen to look like this?

Posted Image

Please note the Weapons & Equipment summary overlay on the right side (so that you can see what's on the mech at a glance). If modules are included on that summary, that would be great too.

Also note that in addition to the 'filter' menu there would be a 'sort' menu. I think the following sort options would be ideal:
Name, Tons, Acquisition date (if you have that in your database), Last Played Date, Current Mech XP, Double XP available.

I realize that some of those options might not be available (last played date for example), but they would be nice to have so that I don't neglect any of my available mechs for too long.

#2 Levi Porphyrogenitus


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 04:22 PM

In addition, it should always display both MC and C-bills, as well as total GXP in the bottom left, it should not be restricted to the Mechbay and Skill tabs. You should be able to tell what resources you have at a glance without navigating back and forth through a series of screens.

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