Since there are people asking for rig advice and full system builds. I decided to do weekly builds of best bang for your buck machines.
This week:
This week components seem to be a tiny bit cheaper than normal about 10% cheaper than average prices. I expect prices will drop a bit during president sale. Keep your eyes out Mechwarriors. Within the past month AMD video cards seem to take a 10% price hike due to Bitcoin mining so NVidia cards are right now preferred over AMD price for performance.
Under 500 Dollars
I went with the classic FX 6300 because of price per performance. Intel processor providing similar performance will cost about 80 dollars more.(I5 3570K/4570)
The GTX 660 Is right now the optimum choice for graphics card per price performance due to the fact that AMD graphics card prices are steadily increasing (THANKS MINERS >.>) The equivilant AMD graphics card model would be R9 270 or 7870 which are 30 dollars more.
Also forgot to mention that Ram is 20 dollars cheaper as well.
With this build you are expecting about 30-50 frames per second at high settings at 1920 x 1080.
Honorable Mentions:
Just add video card.
Edited by RiceyFighter, 19 February 2014 - 11:22 AM.