The Basilisk, on 16 February 2014 - 03:00 AM, said:
AC2s are quite common weapons for backing up larger ACs or for laying down supressing fire while targeting bigger weapons.
Got 2x AC2+1UAC5 in my BLR-1D for softening enemys up when ammo runs low and the match is near finish or the fight gets close I finish them with my 5 M-Lasers.
Got 2x AC2+1UAC5 in my BLR-1D for softening enemys up when ammo runs low and the match is near finish or the fight gets close I finish them with my 5 M-Lasers.
That is what do with my BLR-1D, but I use 4 med lasers. I find many heavies and assaults feel the ac2s and ignore the hits (i am too far away for lock early in the drop. I make sure i am hitting before using 5s or uac5s)as they are transitioning from position to position, then it dawns on them, hmm, what was that, dakka thunk? Get to cover!! U Ack 5!!!
Not that the uac 5 is so scary, but when speed shots of the 2s reaping pin point pain, then, dang dak a dak, watch the XL go BOOM!!! Leave it to the evil little Jenner to avenge him, by grabthars hammer
Nice change of pace mech