Bront, on 23 February 2014 - 02:34 PM, said:
I'm loving the LPL buff. Haven't tried MPLs since then, but the extra range equates into extra damage much of the time on them, so it likely helps. Is it enough? maybe, the heat change helped the LPL quite a bit as well.
I think a 120 range on SLs, and 100 on SPLs I think would be a good buff
Be honest: would you EVER use SPLs, even then?
Asmudius Heng, on 25 February 2014 - 08:13 PM, said:
for over a year i have been saying you need to explain the WHY about things not just what the decision is because the community reacts very badly when they have a statement without reasoning to be able to at least give some sort of response back.
EXPLAIN in just a little detail and it will go a long way ... you might even get some better responses that might help you ...
I suspect that it is based on the statistical data, and the reason he doesn't want to specify is because they don't want to cause even more meta-whoring... I think they said something to that effect with regards to not releasing numbers.
It would explain the oddly specific (and tiny) changes the weapon modules make- they aren't looking at things from a gameplay perspective, they're looking at things from the top down.
divinedisclaimer, on 25 February 2014 - 08:45 PM, said:
Any skilled energy user will know, a %40 reduction in hold time is the most significant advantage of pulse lasers. What you people aren't understanding is, these weapons best fit a single role: hitting fast movers.
If you can track mediums on a full speed light for a full second and hit it's leg the entire second; then you will appreciate how much more dangerous pulse lasers are. While they don't do much more damage, what they do is deliver more of it to a target which is dipping in and out of the beam.
They remain a niche weapon, but now fill that niche very nicely. I find the range buff improved this greatly and now use a pair in my centi anti-light build.
These are fair points, and the reasons why I was eyeing LPL speculatively, but SPL are just inferior weapons and MPL are... really not so much better than Mlas that you'd accept the higher heat.
The bottom line is that there is another factor at play here: the heat-to-kill ratio (and associated factors). The question you should be asking yourself is "Will this weapon make me overheat before it makes the other guy dead"? If the answer is "yes", consider a different weapon.
Now, the obvious counter to that is "Well, you don't have to fire continuously, just run away while you wait for your mech to cool down".
You know what helps with that? Range. Also, not dedicating 2x the tonnage to weaponry (as you must for small and medium pulse lasers), taking up tonnage that could be used for a bigger engine and/or more heatsinks.
Even if your strategy is just to torso twist, the above factors still apply.
--- TBH though, I haven't crunched the numbers, so maybe they are still worthwhile in that regard. ---
Which brings me to another point: Sure, pulse lasers look better for swatting lights, but a light mech needs to make the most of it's space/tonnage, and therefore is in all probability going to rely on mlas (although with the advent of the Firestarter, some will admittedly be using SLAS). That essentially means that your anti-light weapon (spl or mpl) is going to have inferior range when compared to the weapons the lights will be carrying- and they'll be significantly faster than you are.
That is not a good combination (for you).
Now, LPL have enough range to deal with this- few lights are going to pack large lasers, and those that do are generally not going to have enough of them (or enough time) to pew pew you to death from outside your max range, even assuming you don't have anything longer ranged than LPL on your mech.
There are the odd PPC light mechs, but those guys would get you even if you used regular lasers.
Note that the other most common light weapons also fall into the "sweet spot" - they have longer optimal range than MPL, but shorter optimal range than LPL.
I'm too lazy to copy/paste the values, though

Edited by Sephlock, 25 February 2014 - 09:30 PM.