Strum Wealh, on 20 February 2014 - 09:08 PM, said:

Though, I'd argue that the format is slightly different than what you're proposing: "Lubalin Ballistics (AC damage class)-(series ten) autocannon".
That is, the LB 10-X AC would be the "class 10, series 10" model, while the LB 5-X AC would be the "class 5, series 10" model, and the LB 20-X AC would be the "class 20, series 10" model.
Presumably, series I through IX would have been either outright developmental failures or iterations that, while technically functional, were unfit for production without undergoing major revisions.
actually, I would show that as the first disconnect in FASAs notorious in house editing (as seen in early edition record sheets where the Rifleman had full arm actuators). Correct designations should be LB-II AC, LB-V AC and LB-XX AC, each instance the roman numeral designating the class of AC.
Calling future Clan iterations series X versions makes no sense since with their even lighter weights and caliber designations they would be series XI, XII, etc, by your line of reasoning. I will continue to follow Occam's Razor til shown reason to do otherwise.
A nice "fluff" way to explain it would be simply that like much info, the original designation nomenclature was lost and misunderstood after the Amaris War, Exodus, Pentagon Campaign, and of Course the Succession Wars and Comstar's disinformation attempts.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 20 February 2014 - 09:51 PM.