Basically what we could have is that mobile base that we already have in Assault trundles along a preset path until it reaches the finish line. However, we shouldn't do something as simple as "attack truck for 1000 damage and you win"
Instead, If you do X amount of damage you shut the truck down for repairs for Y seconds. This would allow players to delay the defending team from reaching their victory destination and force them to defend a potentially exposed area.
Once you kill all defenders or there are no defending players within 500 meters of the truck, it becomes fully vulnerable. Attackers then have to kill it off before it can escape.
For the defenders to win, their escort either has to reach the finish line or they have to kill all the attackers.
To balance this out for the defenders, you would have one or two repairable turrets on your truck similar to what we have in Assault. You might consider giving the Truck an ECM ability. You could even give it some sort of passive radar like an advanced Seismic that transmits to the defenders radar.
I think this could be a really fun game mode especially for the upcoming Community Warfare. Attackers would devise ambushes at vulnerable points. Defenders would have to carefully scout ahead to find these ambushes and know when to counter attack without letting their escort die.
Edited by Jman5, 20 February 2014 - 07:35 PM.