Ladies, Gentlemen and Clanner Scum. It is my belief that those responsible within PGI have finally broken themselves with complete madness. The $500 dollar bling mechs were just the tip of the ice berg! Now these poor souls responsible for such an insane offer have finally and irrevocably resorted to throwing not just freebies at us... but GOOD freebies!
Is this out of desperation or as a plea for forgiveness? Or did someone simply get the lay of a lifetime and is still glowing with happiness and satisfaction? There is no way to tell.
Take this offer and run with it! Don't look back! Don't hesitate or regret! I will not thank PGI for such an offer, because I can't help but shake the feeling that this is all a trap or there is some hidden agenda behind it. Even if it is just a ploy to get us to spend more money on colors, camo, and mech bays needed for the other Centurions so we can unlock them fully. Just take the mech and run!
I'll see you in the field. Oh... and guard your bases. Expect rampaging base rushes.