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Casual Pilot Looking For Davion Unit

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#1 akakiwu490


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Posted 21 February 2014 - 05:11 PM

Alright, so my name is Scott, go by akakiwu490 in game. Some of you might know me as the dude who graces you all with my typed rendition of a few lines of whatever song is playing when I drop. (I don't do it to be annoying, I did it once and played an awesome round so now it's my thing.)

I've been playing MWO for a while, and I'm getting a little sick of the inconsistency of PUG matches. I'm a little bored of sticking with my entire team, us pushing forward and then me realizing five seconds and some critical damage later that they all decided to go run after a Jenner in their Atlases, leaving me in an untenable position.

So yeah, I'm looking for some people to drop with, preferably Davion because all the other houses can lick my boots (except the Steiners...until later...). I'm down with pretty much anything, be it dropping 12s (never done it, so curious), or dropping as a lance.

The thing is, I'm pretty casual, in a way. When I have spare time it's pretty much spending it with my girlfriend or playing MWO. Since her work schedule and mine never seem to line up, I get a lot of MWO time. The reason I say casual is because I don't want to be expected at any given time. I'd love to drop with some people, but at this point in my life I don't want to have to be on at scheduled times. If I'm on and there's a spot, great. But I also don't expect a spot in either a lance or a 12 over someone more dedicated. I also don't want to be in anything hardcore, and while I'm sure the hardcore units wouldn't want me anyway, I just want to make that clear.

I am looking for a unit to join long-term, rather than just play with here and there, as I'd like the majority of my time to be spent with those people. I'm looking to make some e-friends and have some fun blowing up mech faces.So I'm looking for a unit that has some room for someone like me.

Seeing as I'm calling myself casual (and casuals are usually baddies, or at least more often than not), I've decided to post my stats. I don't know how seriously people take them, but just as a baseline.
I'm nothing crazy spectacular, but I'd say I'm at least above average in skill. My KTD ratio gets dragged down by the mechs I use to "play" (i.e. I suck and am challening myself). My main mechs are either my CTF-IM or CTF-4X. My KTDs on those are 2.15 and 1.33 respectively. I think, skillwise, I've got something to offer, especially in my CTFs. But I am also a big fan of pushing myself and trying new mechs, and I currently own 3 Commandos and 3 Ravens that I'm working on mastering the trees and learning to play well. I'm willing to drop in whatever the team or group would need, or just dicking around in whatever.

Those ratios are based solely off PUG matches, and occasionally dropping with one other person (those are mostly in the raven, he's my raven buddy), so I think in an organized lance/team I'd be an asset.

Posted Image
Posted Image

I don't min/max, and I don't read the forums on best builds. I spent far too much time in my life doing just that with Warcraft, I'm not looking to do it again. The mech builds I use are trial-and-error basis until I find what works, and are often quite different than the "good" builds everyone seems to use. I consider that a point of pride, as I'm capable of holding my own against most enemies despite not having spent time doing math to make my mech better.

I can be contacted in-game on my name to chat about it, via this post, or at akakiwu490@icloud.com . Anybody interested that wants to discuss it further can contact me by any of those methods.

Thanks for reading, hopefully I'll hear from and drop alongside some of you.


Edited by akakiwu490, 21 February 2014 - 05:14 PM.

#2 Asaru


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Posted 21 February 2014 - 06:27 PM

Hey akakiwu490,

My group C4 is looking for more pilots. We're a casual group that plays on the House Davion TS3 server. Stop by and check us out or drop by our website to learn more about us.

We also have a recruitment post on this forum http://mwomercs.com/...ruitment-to-c4/

Hope to see you on the battlefield. :P

#3 The Smith


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Posted 22 February 2014 - 03:46 PM

You should consider the 1st Robinson's Rangers, we have a mix of casual and dedicated players, and there are always people to drop with on our TS server. You can apply on our forums.


Tell em Smith sent you.

#4 akakiwu490


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Posted 22 February 2014 - 05:45 PM

Thank you guys for the interest. I've found a group that I feel like I'll fit in well with, and so at this point am no longer looking.

Good hunting to you all!

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