Varent, on 06 March 2014 - 11:57 AM, said:
Deal with the dregs of society on a daily basis and witness first hand the horrors some people are capable of and you really wont want to deal with people at all and will probly feel twice your age.
Are you describing these forums?

wanderer, on 07 March 2014 - 04:53 AM, said:
Zero. None. Ditto with the AC/10, AC/5, and AC/2. The Mech-sized AC's, without fail are universally classified as "burst-fire" weapons, including their ability to hit multiple hexes with a single shot. They are written as firing multiple shells per shot in Battletech's fiction.
By contrast, the naval autocannon specficially states a single shell (and they're HUGE, with the smallest one being a fifth of a ton!). Light/medium/heavy rifles are single-shell per shot. Artillery cannons are single-shell per shot. 'Mech-sized AC's are not.
MWO is doing it wrong.
Yes all the weapons fire bursts. Yes the pilots are so good they always hit the same location.

Page 19. Any Devs respond yet?