Rad Hanzo, on 25 February 2014 - 04:56 AM, said:
Instead of immediately disconnecting after death I would really suggest sticking in the game for as long as it might run as you could see something helpful/ be helpful to the still living .
And if you REALLY get bored, just leave for a few minutes to get a lungful of fresh air/ a cup o´ refreshment/ a quick ciggie/ pat the kids/dog/wife on the head or whatever.
If I die prematurely I tend to smoke a cigarette and read a bit and try to be helpful if I can besides^^
I will second everything he said.. if you die early, watch and learn.. watch different mechs, different styles of play, see different weapon set ups, Help out by calling out targets,, or saying how many mechs are in a specific location, and what they are, adding missing limbs, armor ect can be very helpful.
or you could do what he said, take a 5 min break, and do something... But i gotta laugh at all the anti smokers.. Notice not one person said anything about grabbing a snack? Bad diet causes more deaths than cancer/smoking, and the rest combined... Like everything, Moderation is key... a few cigs a week, of the natural sort won't kill, besides hand rolling increases finger dexterity