Rouken, on 27 February 2014 - 12:08 PM, said:
My understanding was that the tonnage limits (back when they were still talking tonnage limits) would be for premades only. The solos in the PUG could run whatever they wanted. I thought there was going to be some sort of special "social lobby" where a group would work out their tonnage before they dropped. If you were hooked up with people that didn't want to work with you -"Sorry, bro. We're all taking our Highlanders, so you get the Locust."- You could try your luck with another group or drop solo and run whatever you want.
I was OK with this. Players who've paid real money for a hero should be able to run it whenever they want, regardless of its tonnage. They could always drop solo, but they'd have to make it fit in with the rest of their premmates if they wanted to bring it out with a team. I thought the "weight-limited but well coordinated premades" vs. the "unlimited tonnage but uncoordinated (and, let's be honest, often scrubbish) solo PUGers" would have been a pretty fair dichotomy, certainly better than what we have now.
When CW gets here, finally, organized premades are going to be where it's at. I'm going to be trying to get on board with an outfit before then (maybe a faction, but I'm leaning toward a mercenary unit) and I think most of the players interested in participating in CW will want to enlist with someone. In the podcast, Brian said that most of the players (84% I think was the number he gave) drop solo. With CW, I think that number will change, maybe drastically. I don't think they should be building their future solely around that statistic.
So I'm still wistfully holding out hope that PGI gets a good tonnage limit system in place for the premades. Who cares about tonnage limits in the PUG? Leave the PUG as an unlimited tonnage "free zone" where new players can develop the solo fundamentals without costing the CW-players the war, casual players can solo drop whenever and stomp around at will, and others who may have spent money on mechs that won't fit in with their prems can still have solo fun with them. It will always be a place where we can go to brush up on our individual chops and try out funky new builds, and prems would still be able to drop into the PUG in 4-man squads for "training exercises," but with the tonnage limits that will keep them from tipping the weight-balance scales and giving us solo scrubs more of a fighting chance.
Edited by Tycho von Gagern, 27 February 2014 - 02:34 PM.