Agent 0 Fortune, on 08 March 2014 - 03:37 PM, said:
The "evidence" I have is PGI's metrics. And the firm belief that PGI is not "out to get those darn pre-made players". I agree that the metrics are open to interpretation, my interpretation is that the decisions PGI made with regards to the data are for the health of the game and community as a whole, and not to beguile the unwashed masses.
I am going to back that statement up by saying that the 5-11 man groups LOST NOTHING, and GAINED the ability to play in 5-11 man matches, albiet via Premium Private matches. But that is more than the 5-11 man groups had before.
That being said, I really have no dog in this fight. I got what I wanted, and that is essentially a Solo players Bill of Rights. The ability to drop in a casual match with casual players an not have to contend with sync drops or wild Elo boundaries. Furthermore, I am not enough of a PGI apologist to (further) refute or defend the metrics they provided (although I do believe attacking the data is a bad strategy), and I wish you the best of luck in getting a 5-11 man queue, be it free private matches or volunteer PUGs.
You are just arguing against someone because you don't agree with them, not because data backs it up. Super touched on it but I'll expand on it a bit more.
The data (even if you accept 84% which, to just about anyone who understands stats and data collection, etc. which also happens to be the type of people explaining why that number is wrong) does not show that solo is a majority. It would show 84% drop in a solo match at some point and time.
What some of us are trying to explain is how that is not a good data point. Those of us that DO have an understanding of stats beyond % and maybe a very entry level have given a LOT of reasons, explanations, etc. That you don't agree with the statements made do not invalidate them though.
These aren't statements based on opinion, these are statements based on factual data that has been collected and interpreted in a poor manner and anyone who HAS had an education and background in stats understands that. I'm sure most could care less whether any of the other players believe us. I'm more concerned with PGI understanding why their statement was inaccurate.
84% drop solo?
Do they solo exclusively?
When do they solo?
Do they drop 12 mans?
Do they drop in premades?
How many of that 84% are dropping solo while trying to sync drop with others in a premade?
That's just a few simple questions regarding that number without even thinking very deep about it.
Then you look at the twitter posts over the past few days from various Devs where they admit they have misinterpreted the data a bit (don't ask, I won't cite, as always I'm not anyone's personal librarian and everyone is welcome to join twitter to keep up witht hat kind of stuff

) and it lends even more credibility to those that are speaking out against this number.
I don't see anyone attacking the data. The data is what it is. The collection and interpretation of that data though is what's being called into question. There have been several examples in this thread of how and why 84% is inaccurate. It's not a matter of "getting what we want", it's a matter of making a poor decision in the fundamental design of this game based on someone looking at some numbers and not understanding how to read that data.
it's not a slight on anyone, it's a statement to help correct it because on its current path many of us believe it will ultimately hurt a game we enjoy. It's easy for someone who doesn't have a background in stats and such to misunderstand that kind of data just as it's easy for a lot of mouth breathers to come on here and tell PGI they could "do it better" or it would be "easy" to implement their idea.
They have acknowledged the possibility of having made a mistake regarding this. The thing is, you've got players running around on the forums that are making the same mistake when reading that data but will wail and flail if it's changed because they'll have their premade boogeyman back.
One other point on the whole premade thing. You know one thing I've noticed? I never
see this question and/or statement posed by anyone except forum members while in game.
"You guys in a premade?"
"Premades suck!"
Want to know why? Well because players who don't join units, don't visit the forums, etc. have no idea what a premade is. They don't complain. They don't wail and flail. Wonder what that is.........?
Harcourt Mudd, on 08 March 2014 - 04:16 PM, said:
This might be my first post but may I ask you this, what if you got your free pug drops but that they didn't count towards CW. How about if you had to pay to join a Solo Que for drops that counted towards CW. Would you still be so flippant?
That's actually an excellent question and idea...
Since casual players just want to shoot and stomp why not reverse the roles? Solos can have the queue that doesn't participate in CW. They can drop for no rewards, etc. They can opt in to participate in CW but they'll have to do it alongside premades. That really is a pretty good idea....