PaintedWolf, on 07 March 2014 - 03:09 PM, said:
In any case, how do you even plan on making me generate this heat? They have capped how much heat a Mech can have from external sources to 9.
You are acting like TSM Mechs are somehow more susceptible to heat inducing attacks which is simply not true. The most you can say is they are more likely to be at 9 over-heat then other Mechs, but most Mechs tend to generate that kind of heat during a battle anyways.
Okay PaintedWolf (*CarnageINC gets out his reading glasses).
Your lack of understanding the complete set of BT rules and your 'mastery' of mech building is really starting to show here. The cap for mechs gaining heat from external sources is 15 points, not 9. Now you have to factor in the heat your making for you mech by movements and weapons. Then you add those 2 factors together (external and internal) to get your mechs final heat points.
*(Total Warfare pg. 159 'Outside Heat Sources') Quoted from the book. "However, such outside heat sources can only inflict a total of 15 heat points in a turn, and so 3 points are wasted. After the controlling player determines the heat for ’Mech A’s movement and weapons fire, he adds the two numbers together."
Now on to what everyone is saying about TSM. What they are getting at is if you
want to capitalize on your TSM that you have to run 9+ heat. Since your mechs
may be running at a higher heat they are now at greater risk for being forced to shut down do to external heat sources. As you may know that shutdown rolls start at 14. And if you do shutdown you fall, I'll get to that in a bit.
TSM mechs are not any more vunerable to other mechs.
Okay lets get down to business.
With Hardened Armor you are penalized -1 MP when running. Your mech runs at 4 MP normally since it has Hardened Armor. At 5 on the Heat Scale your now down to 3 MP. At Heat Scale 9 your back to 4 MP. At Heat Scale 10 your again back down to 3 MP. In addition to your -1 MP, you are given +1 piloting skill roll penalty. Getting 20+ point of damage you now have to roll a +2 skill roll just to stay up. If any of your mechs fall, they will have a +1 piloting skill role to standing up. Plus if you run 3 hexes you now have to roll a +2 roll to avoid falling over.
You have equipped your mech with TSM so you essentially only gain +1 MP if your heat points are ONLY at 9. In addition to the +1 movement, your physical attacks are doubled. But you can hardly move, you get 4 MP at best. So your lack of mobility made phyiscal attacks very difficult. So why ever did you equip TSM to your mech? What benefit are you gaining with it that can possibly justify its need? To have more MP? WOW....3 MP if your running go guy

. You couldn't even react to getting flanked or encircled by quicker mechs, the only thing you can react to is Motorized/Jump Infantry which move just as fast as you! You basically would have to go into 'circle the wagons' defense and the enemy would just ****** off and leave you behind.
Now your Arrow IV launchers. Mechs making on map Arrow IV attacks can designate their own targets with TAG (Max range of 18 hexes). But they can make no other attacks other than launching that turn when self TAGing. However you can have multiple launches on a single TAG. Now how many TAG attack declarations do you make? You still have to make all your other attack declarions too before rolls. Now if you miss your TAG all indirect firing your Arrows results in a miss and it self destructs. So now you can saturate a single target with missiles that do 20 points of damage if they hit. Okay, now if your being swarmed what do you do now? Your targeting computer is really the only good thing you have going for you now. Lets assume your running cold. You avoid being penalized +1 for secondary targets in your front firing arc and +2 is now only +1 in your side arcs due to your targeting computer. But keep in mind any heat above 8 is a +1 to hit and +2 at 13 heat points if you choose to run hot.
If you don't think that all these penalties add up in the long run your wrong and obviously don't have the playing experence that you claim. Sure you can dish out damage, no one is saying that you can't. But you are dreaming thinking you 'solved' all the tactical problems and your mechs are imperivious.
You can't manauver and you can't spread out, you litteraly only have 48 mechs in a battalion. You can't occupy any significant territory because you can't intercept anything. You can't gain the initative in anything because of your speed, the enemy will just move to a place of their chosing if you chase. Your mech unit is only good at laying seige to something the enemy wants to hold on to on open ground or if your mechs are defending a limited area.
In the city or any terrian your in trouble. You just can't effectively move through rubble and forests and climbing hills, your just a turret. Because of your lack of speed you have to wait till the enemy shows himself to you at a time and place of his chosing. You can't shoot what you can't see. Sure you can lob Arrows all over the place at +4 with in 17 hexes and a scatter chart to deal with. Any longer and you have to bump that up to +7 and count in flight time. But your burning up ammo doing that spray and pray stuff.
Many of your counter arguments are based off you dismissing BV or cbill values like they didn't count for anything. Since they don't mean anything to you, how can you argue against someone spending and equal amount of BV or cbills. Just add in the cost of your jumpship, dropships and support personel to your overall BV/Cbill cost and let your opponent match your stuff based off of that. If they can get more Dropships and mechs and all the other goodies they want and match your BV/Cbills you should have no problem with that. It is in all essence a fair and equal fight.
You ASSUME your battalion can take on a regiment of mechs. You ASSUME that someone will fight you on your terms only. You ASSUME your can just focus fire on
every target. You ASSUME is a 'suicide run' to attack your forces. Your all assumptions, theories and wishful thinking. Your mech is of very limited use and can be viewed as a 'one shot wonder'.