I agree with both sides to some degree, but mostly with what the Corbett/Tesuine side has written. True, Tesuine has not written in that many lore sources as Corbett, but what he has said has checked out mostly with what Corbett has said.
When it comes down to Ulric being a traitor to the Clan way, I cannot say I agree with that assessment.
I will jump a bit in time here but bare with me. I want to adress two things in my post. First is the use of the Dragoons as "spies" and that it was unworthy of Clan Wolf to do so. Second is about Ulric being a traitor to the Clans.
This is what I have found and I merely wish to put my two c-bills out there.
First off, the Dragoon Compromise: (source: http://www.sarna.net...goon_Compromise )
Clan Wolf Khan Kerlin Ward argued that the Clans were about to take a leap into an unknown situation with little reliable intelligence at the urging of the radical Crusader Clans Smoke Jaguar and Jade Falcon....
I agree with that several Crusader Khans were against this plan, but in the end the plan was approved by the Grand Council. It does not say why they disagree with it on Sarna but the way the sentence is written, I assume it has to do with Clan Wolf being in charge of setting up the unit. (Please, if you have better sources, do post!)
Since the plan was approved and backed by the Grand Council, it means that all Clans would be bound to this. This "deception" to the Inner Sphere if you will was therefore legal in the views of Clan society.
Deceptive? Perhaps Unworthy of a Clan Khan? I am not so sure. A Khan is not only the highest military authority within a Clan, he/she is also the political leader. The Khan is responsible for setting the policy of the Clan. The unit was honoring the mission they were set out to complete and followed the orders of their Khan. They were his units and his to do with as he pleased per say, as long as they conducted their mission.
Now, over to Ulric Kerensky when he became ilKhan: (source: http://www.sarna.net.../Ulric_Kerensky )
It has already been mentioned time and again that Ulric was a traitor to the Clans and that he was not. Indeed, he was a Warden and he tried to stop the Invasion by Trial of Refusal (which is his right). He lost, barely, even though odds were 4-1 against Clan Wolf. Is that treason? I do not believe so. As Khan, Ulric had the right to disagree with the decision made by the Grand Council. When it came down to it, he lost the Trial.
As any honorable Warrior would do, he then backed off. The issue had been dealt with and the Invasion would proceed. What happened next was out of his hands when the Grand Council punished Clan Wolf and put them in with the Invading Clans. Had the Grand Council -not- gone ahead with this, he would not have been able to influence the invasion in the same manner.
He found new ways to push his politics during the Invasion, following the directive given by the Grand Council to subdue the Inner Sphere. He relied on intel given by the Dragoons and later on as he became ilKhan, he even tried to help the other invading Clans.
So, he tried to share in the success he had earlier in the invasion but people refused to listen to him.
I doubt he would not share the information with the leader of the operation. That would not be very tactful nor strategic on his part.
I do not believe the ilKhan was at fault in this matter either. He did what he could to ensure the victory of the Jaguars and Nova Cats.
Tukayyid. I am starting to see a pattern here.
Almost done now, I promise.
I believe that all Clans agree that waste is not a good thing.
Last one here which shows how Clan society works and how raw Clan politics can be. This is during a meeting within Clan Wolf.
Dishonor a Treaty won by following Clan laws and gain honor in combat or honor the treaty.
Ulric was not a traitor. He was a brilliant tactician, strategist and politician. He played the game and might have won had Khan Chistu followed Zellbrigen. We will never know though.
That was my three c-bills actually. If people have a better source than Sarna for these things, please do post them or send me a message. I am interested to learn more. All in all though, after having read through (and picked out) the bits and pieces here that I wanted to show, I still agree with the Corbett/Tesuine side.
EDIT 1: Got rid of some hotlinks. They were disturbing.
EDIT 2: Put in quotes. Thanks Shar Wolf.
Edited by Vincent V Kerensky, 16 March 2014 - 09:16 AM.