In a post in the suggestions forums I managed to exceed the maximum character limit for a post. The behavior when originally attempting to submit the post I received an error that all of my Quote Markers were not matching up. Upon inspection they were perfectly fine, so I broke the post into 3 segments and posted them individually in rapid succession.
Wasn't aware they merged them together for rapid successive posts. At this point all the scripting associated with the webpage broken and it appears as a jumbled mess.
Not a bad thing as is, but sorta proud I broke the forums.
Appropriate error messaging could be used to inform a user they have exceeded a character limit though, and if previous posts are in excess or near that character limit the merging process should split them into multiple posts.
Just my two cents.
1 reply to this topic
Posted 25 February 2014 - 09:08 PM
Posted 08 March 2014 - 11:14 PM
I've reported exactly that bug two or three times over the last eighteen months. While it apparently amused the support team greatly, I expect it's low-priority enough to have gotten back-burnered while they deal with all of the other issues the game has.
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