Hate Know The Team Is Gonna Get Crushed
Posted 06 March 2014 - 12:38 PM
It seems like people make the same mistakes over and over again. You have to shake your head at this point because it’s usually pointless to tell the team it’s a bad idea, they just troll you back. Now you’re left with the option, follow the herd and pray to the god of destruction that you can somehow overcome the inevitable ambush from superior position you’re about to be on the receiving end of, or you can wander off alone and die horribly that way.
You would think people would get that crossing the open field toward the enemy strong point = bad!
Walking through the valley with high un-climbable walls with the enemy on top = bad. For that matter nearly any time the enemy has high ground = bad.
Wandering off alone or in small groups (not as a light scout) = bad.
Light Mechs coming to a complete stop to fire = OMFG-BAD!
Firing PPC’s under 90m = bad.
Firing LRM’s under 180m or over 1000m = bad.
Not locking targets so your team mates can see and or fire lrm’s on the enemy = Bad.
The whole friggin team getting tunnel vision and chasing down the light mech = bad, guess where that guy is likely to lead you and your totally oblivious team, the answer is not to the Easter bunny.
On conquest maps if your focused on killing the enemy you’re going to lose the match to points 90% of the time.
Theta is bad, the enemy is there in force!
This and so many other common mistakes you seem to see every game anymore is depressing.
I can rarely tell if I have a winning team on my hands but it evil scary how often I tell when we will get crushed.
Once again sorry for the rant, but my losing streaks of late are getting epic long, and most of the games i know in the first couple of minutes its about to happon again!
Posted 06 March 2014 - 12:46 PM
When that happens what occurs is often an ironic comedic tragedy.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 12:48 PM

It's doubly so when we get a DC or drop and we still manage to pull off an upset....
Posted 06 March 2014 - 12:52 PM
Misadventure, on 06 March 2014 - 12:38 PM, said:
Last night on Caustic, my team decided it was a good idea to play "ring around the rosie". Walking counter-clockwise around D4 for some reason. Around and around they went.
A couple other pilots and myself sat back, attempting to fight the enemy pushing towards us. As we began to fall, the remainder of our team continued to circle around the volcano (it's a volcano or something, yeah?). Almost any other course of action would have helped our team out, but circling was apparently the most fun. We all died horrible deaths.
I just don't understand sometimes.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 01:32 PM
Misadventure, on 06 March 2014 - 12:38 PM, said:
Oh, I think you can get it down to under 60 seconds with an 80% accuracy rate. Follow these guidelines:
- Joyfire. Players that can't wait to zap something and start shooting rocks (or worse, your RT) are bads. Full stop, no exceptions. Good players know that there will be plenty of zapping once the fight is joined. Bads know they'll probably die before they hit anything, so they want to get some shots off now. Good players are at least somewhat concerned with fire discipline. Bads will be so eager to shoot something in a scrum that they will shoot through you to get at a target without hesitation. Good players test their weapons' heat-profile in the training grounds and know what to expect. Bads test-alpha rocks (and as a result the occasional Jenner leg) at the beginning of a match because they don't know their builds or the map they've dropped on.
- Open Mic Night. Ask if anyone has a plan and get "Don't die," "Kill everyone," or any of the other daringly original quips that come from players with no intent of coming up with any coordinated effort and you're probably done for. These are the remarks of players that think bravado will substitute for teamwork/competence, a clear indication they think they can run in MWO just like they "totally pwn" in Halo. You're doomed.
- Follow the 130kph Spider. A fast light on the team takes off to scout in an oblique direction, perhaps skirting the edge of the map, and the rest of the companies 80+ ton mechs proceed to follow it. This indicates so much fail it's hard to know where to start. It means your teammates don't know where they're going on this map. It means they don't understand that different mechs have different roles to play. It means that they are going to be totally out of position when the shooting starts. It means that no matter how sneaky that scout is, the enemy will see them coming a mile away, thanks to the herp-a-derp conga line trailing behind it.
- Alpha is AFK. Everyone's moving but alpha lance. No one from alpha is responding to chat. This is all due to alpha being one of those fun-to-be-around premade squads. Not the average group of premades you find and appreciate in the PUG, these are the "pros," waiting for the rest of the solo PUG garbage to soak up all the enemies ammo, wear down their armor, and then die so they can swoop in and pad their stats with easy kills that will look great in the youtube video they're recording to highlight their leetness. Settle in and prepare to enjoy your impending 8 vs. 12 ROFLSTOMP while they sit back and laugh amongst themselves on their headset nerdhelms. After you're long dead and they've stomped all over a bunch of ammo-spent and cherry red paper dolls with their pristine lance of meta-assaults in an epic, come-from-behind win ("Bro, we were down 4-9!") expect a chat macro advertising their unit. If they don't pull off the win there will be no chat macro, but expect to see the end-of-game scoreboard posted in the "Carry Harder" thread.
Still, there is only an 80% chance of total and embarrassing defeat. I'd say you've got a 20% chance that the enemy's guys are worse than yours. That's about your only hope.
Good hunting.
Edited for grammar and clarity.
Edited by Tycho von Gagern, 06 March 2014 - 03:36 PM.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 02:04 PM
I've come to understand that through gaming.
MWO merely reinforces that observation.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 02:08 PM
Then isn't Theta working well for them at the moment?
Posted 06 March 2014 - 02:11 PM
You have reminded me why the MM is a disaster sometimes.
I can only "hope" that people realize how and why they fail, and remind people to STOP CHASING THE SQUIRREL.
Occasionally, they listen, and you are suddenly slightly happier for humanity.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 03:02 PM

Posted 06 March 2014 - 03:33 PM
Misadventure, on 06 March 2014 - 12:38 PM, said:
Wandering off alone or in small groups (not as a light scout) = bad.
Have to disagree with you here. Usually when im with friends I prefer to play the flanking lance and I love it when im with a few fast mediums packing srms and im in one myself. Come in hard from the side once the enemy has engaged your team and start picking off the jump snipers and missle boats one by one. ONce they realize your there use your speed to run away and allow your team to reap the rewards.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 08:59 PM
Varent, on 06 March 2014 - 03:33 PM, said:
Have to disagree with you here. Usually when im with friends I prefer to play the flanking lance and I love it when im with a few fast mediums packing srms and im in one myself. Come in hard from the side once the enemy has engaged your team and start picking off the jump snipers and missle boats one by one. ONce they realize your there use your speed to run away and allow your team to reap the rewards.
Medium wolfpacks are some of the most raw fun you can have on PC today, but also very hard to pull off successfully.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 09:03 PM

Posted 06 March 2014 - 09:05 PM
Levi Porphyrogenitus, on 06 March 2014 - 08:59 PM, said:
It's actually rare to see a lance of Hunchbacks or Centurions (Shadowhawk lances are actually common) or even Blackjacks to troll everyone.
Too bad nothing like this exists for the Trebuchet.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 09:06 PM
Deathlike, on 06 March 2014 - 09:05 PM, said:
It's actually rare to see a lance of Hunchbacks or Centurions (Shadowhawk lances are actually common) or even Blackjacks to troll everyone.
Too bad nothing like this exists for the Trebuchet.
Trebuchet lance = Bucket of Trenchbuckets?
Posted 06 March 2014 - 11:04 PM
Levi Porphyrogenitus, on 06 March 2014 - 08:59 PM, said:
Medium wolfpacks are some of the most raw fun you can have on PC today, but also very hard to pull off successfully.
The Quasimodo.
2 HBK 4G's (AC20 3 ML 4 tons AC20 STD240 86kph) 2 HBK 4SP (2 ASRM6 5 ML) = TOTAL **** FACE! the 4Gs run behind the 4SP's. You also can just setup an ambush in obvious approach paths too.
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