The first one is KISS and is easily defined and understandable as;
This is the absolute rule in game creation of any sort, you violate this you might as well kiss your tush goodbye.
The Second is KEEP and is also easily defined and understandable as;
This is what Keeps your customers, fans and generally everyone interested in your game.
This being said a few points need to be addressed ;
Allowing players to reconnect to a match if disconnected by the server, bugs glitches whatever fancy (name/excuse) used to justify it (2 years+ in the making) Still waiting. Important for both KISS and KEEP <--This irritates customers which is very bad regarding KEEP
Allowing players to have what they purchased. A few months back I purchased an Orion and put an LRM 20 on each arm. It has 20 visible tubes and fired 20 missiles from each rack in 1 salvo
Amazing an actual LRM 20. tonight I got into said mech and fired my LRM15's+5 20 tubes on the arms but now shoots 15 then 5 missiles (No longer and LRM 20.)
This point being brought up because of the already confirmed nerf of Clan launchers of Clan SRM 6 Streaks having 1 tube and Clan LRM20 having 2 tubes because 'It Might Hurt Too Much BooHoo TM!"
This Violates both KISS and KEEP
An SRM 6 has 6 tubes and fires 6 Missiles, A LRM 20 has 20 tubes and fires 20 missiles <-- Easy KISS principle here. Violating said easy to understand principle we are now at KEEP where you are irritating your customers to the point of considering you unable to understand and deliver on simple principles which is Bad.
Community Warfare and the lack thereof (2+ years in the making, still nowhere in sight after dozens of within 90 days to delivery statement) Violates KISS and KEEP (subject beaten to beyond un-death)
UI 2.0 Violates KISS and KEEP An Absolute visual mess of tiny copy paste images of engines and equipment with the relevant information to players hard to find to cover up the lack of real effort to make an easy to use interface and just irritates the customers which is Very Bad for KEEP
These and the major things to be addressed for over 2+ years now, the customers are still waiting. Please always remember KISS and KEEP. This was general feedback on what needed done.
Edited by Strongpaw, 07 March 2014 - 12:23 AM.