Need some advice.
Now that I have leveled up all my centurions enough to unlock elites, I am on to the next phase.
Would really like to purchase a heavy mech with the funds I have. Trouble is, i'm not sure which one to pick.
My only requirements are
(a) That the mech can take an XL300 (because I have a spare one from one of my centurions and don't want to spend money buying a new engine)

(c) That it is one of those mechs that can "stand and deliver" rather than depending on mobility to survive (i already have lots of practice doing that with my centurions so I would like to try a more "macho" approach with my first heavy)
So far I've seen that the Cat 3d fits my requirements and also one of the Orions has 2 ballistic slots so may be appropriate as well
Please let me know what you guys think
Thanks in advance!