Koniving, on 10 March 2014 - 05:23 PM, said:
For a multi-shot version of the UAC/5...
Let's say it's a 3 shot burst = 5 damage weapon (akin to the GM Whirlwind/5).
You get off 3 shots, and then the ultra mechanic lets you do a second burst while the primary cassette (magazine) is reloading.
Okay. Let's say the jam chance is 20%.
You do the main 3 shots. That's fine. The 'double tap' 4, 5, 6 rounds in that firing sequence are 1 (6.67% chance to jam) 2 (6.67%) and 3 (6.67%) totaling approximately 20%. You'd obviously jam less often, but there's 3 tries to jam because of the secondary three-round burst.
It'd be 10% per double-tap shot if it's a 2 round burst. Though click-on click-off sounds iffy. A simple 2 round burst would be better. 2.5 damage per shot. Totals 5 damage for a 'single firing' and the 'double tap' would shell out another 2 rounds with a 10% chance each (if it's 20% chance now).
Of course, expanding out a UAC/2 would be 1 damage per shot, but 2 shots per trigger pull and 2 shots on the double tap too. A UAC/10 would be 2 shots of 5 damage each. A UAC/20 would be two shots of 10 damage each.
That makes the HBK-IIC a bit less terrifying when you consider the UAC/20 + UAC/20 combination it comes with stock.
I'd like UACs to simply fire twice as many shells in the same span of time as the standard AC's equivalent burst. So if a particular AC/5 model (and its UAC counterpart, when firing in standard, non-Ultra mode) fires 3 shells in the space of 0.75 seconds, its Ultra counterpart would fire 6 shells in the space of 0.75 seconds, with a significant likelihood of jamming. Several reasons I find this to be a favorable implementation:
1) It gives the weapon a unique purpose that cannot be replicated with other weapon systems. It differentiates Ultra mode from other ACs. An example: to answer a specific question posed above, it preserves a difference between RACs and UACs. RACs could hammer a relentless torrent of bullets into a target, while UACs could spit everything out together in one magnificent (if brief) bullet hell before having to "recharge."
2) Jamming suddenly becomes a lot more understandable. You've installed a one-ton piece of equipment that shoves 20 bullets into a space designed for ten, then blows them all out at once like confetti from one of
these (bonus: includes illustration of jam mechanic in action at 1:22)
3) Having multi-shot ACs, and then doubling that shot number for UACs, provides you with another tool to balance the weapon; bullet spray. Whether or not this would be needed is besides the point; the point is that another tool becomes available aside from the ones we already have(heat, firing rate, ammo/ton, etc.). More options is always good. Aside from that, it's also accurate to lore. From Sarna: "
...the extremely high rate of fire causes ultra autocannons to vibrate violently, leading to higher incidence of weapon jams. Though giving the weapon an equivalent volume of fire, because of these vibrations ultra autocannon fire is not as accurate as a pair of standard weapons." This could be another thing that differentiates them from RACs.
4) The in-game model with three rotating barrels makes a lot more sense.
5) It's a simple, easily-understood mechanic. Not that the one we have now isn't simple, it is. But so is this one.
Edited by Bloodweaver, 11 March 2014 - 11:28 AM.