Bought this game since I was recommended to.
Initial impression is that I sort of 'hate it' at the moment... Probably because after so, long I am not used to a fast paced a FPS with multiple OP mechanics...
The most glaring issue to me right now is the match maker...
Why is it putting most of the l<10 level players on the left side and >=30 level players on the right side ??? Pre-made groups ?? Who know...
Matches become very one sided in this multiplayer only game... I feel really sad this is only multiplayer... Such nice and FAST graphics assets would have made a VERY interesting game.
I will need to try to get used to this game some more...
A single player campaign who have helped people get used to all the mechanics.. Hiaz...
This TF newbie has noted that jumping around like an idiot, poptarting with the shotgun is more like to give you more pilot kills...
Having great difficulty engaging other more experienced pilots...
Issues probably due to..
1. not knowing the map..
2. difficulty detecting enemies before it is too late.
3. get hit by player who know how to use the OP 'burn card' system...

If you do know understand what I meant by OP mechanics ?
Cloaking, super jump, mech-on-infantry with instat kill AOE weapons, Auto lock Guided bullet handguns, Power up system.. eg. double damange, regen, perma cloak, etc.......
Eccck.... I don't think I can get anywhere until I figure out all how to use all these things properly.
Edited: typos
Edited by ShinVector, 11 March 2014 - 05:14 PM.