Here are the extended descriptions of proposed ways to alter the damage delivery of PPCs. I have made some up myself, and some taken from what other's have described. All damage and associated numbers are open to adjustment, of course, and this is solely about the actual DELIVERY of that damage. Heat and all other metrics would remain the same unless otherwise noted or balance required.
- Man-made Lightning (random arc spread): The PPC shoots a lightning bolt that hits the target point for {6} damage, then arcs to two random spots anywhere on the mech for an additional {2} points each. For example, if the PPC hits the front RT, it does {6} points of damage, then arcs to the rear LT for {2} points of damage and the RL for another {2} points of damage, for a total of {10} points of damage. (OPTIONAL: the lightning can hit internal structure even if their is armor remaining on that section)
- Plasma Blob (energy LBX): The PPC functions like a small-radius LBX, with 10 plasma blobs that fire in a cone from the barrel, spreading to a {20m} cone at max range and dealing {1} point of damage per blob that hits.
- Electrolaser(charge): The PPC charges up for {0.5} seconds. During this time, a tag-like laser shows where the beam will shoot. After {0.5} seconds, the PPC discharges, shooting a beam of ionized particles along the laser to instantly do {10} points of damage. (NOTE: This may function like the Gauss charge, or possibly fire automatically after the charge up)
- Electropulse (duration): This functions like the Electrolaser, charging for {0.5} seconds, but then delivers {3} points of damage every {0.5} seconds after that for as long as the trigger is held. (Optional: Heat grows exponentially as the beam is held (so {1} heat the first tick, {2} the second, {4} the third, etc.))
- No change needed: The current method of damage delivery is fine the way it is.
Edit 3-14: added heat increment as optional to Ion Beam per FupDup's suggestion
EDit 3-21: changed the name for #3 and #4 per Strum Wealh's great example of a similar real world weapon (
Edited by Cimarb, 21 March 2014 - 05:27 AM.