Missile Tubes
Posted 14 March 2014 - 02:24 AM
it has 2 missile hardpoints, the first with 20 missile tubes, the second with 10 missile tubes
this means that if i put on his shoulder 2 lrm 20 it will shoot the first lrm 20 in 20 and the second in 10+10: if you Alpha strike you shoot 30+10
so i decided to put 1ALRM15 + 1ALRM10............ and i put the lrm 15 as first, in the hardpoint with 20 missile tubes, the lrm 10 in the second.........so it had to shoot 25 missiles in 1 salvo
as soon as i save the missile order gets inverted: the lrm 15 goes in the hardpont of 10 tubes, the lrm 10 goes in the hardpoint with 20 tubes....meaning that even if i have enough tubes, if i Alpha trike the lrm 10 starts all together, in 10, but the lrm 15 starts in 10+5, because it is in the 10 tubes hardpoints
this is true also for lasers in the hbk with 6 lasers in the shoulder...........i want large lasers on the top and mediumd at the bottom of that shoulder, but each ******* time i save all mediums go on the top, all large on the bottom, automatically
Posted 14 March 2014 - 03:09 AM
Edited by Joseph Mallan, 14 March 2014 - 03:11 AM.
Posted 14 March 2014 - 03:51 AM
In this case,that means sell all of your ALRM 15 and ALRM 10 launchers, save, then go back in and buy/mount them in the order you want- that is, buy and install the 15, then buy and install the 10. Should workaround your issue.
Posted 14 March 2014 - 03:58 AM
wanderer, on 14 March 2014 - 03:51 AM, said:
In this case,that means sell all of your ALRM 15 and ALRM 10 launchers, save, then go back in and buy/mount them in the order you want- that is, buy and install the 15, then buy and install the 10. Should workaround your issue.

Posted 14 March 2014 - 04:10 AM

This needs to be fixed, like, now. NOW.
Posted 14 March 2014 - 05:43 AM
I thought those would be major mechanics of the game that players would need to know about.
Edited by 3rdworld, 14 March 2014 - 05:43 AM.
Posted 14 March 2014 - 06:00 AM
Posted 14 March 2014 - 06:49 AM
Joseph Mallan, on 14 March 2014 - 03:58 AM, said:

That's the fact, Jack.
It's the same with every 'mech, as far as I've been able to tell. Evidently, once you put a missile launcher into a mech, it becomes "tagged" or something to a slot.
I had the same problem with my HM when I made it an LRM30 boat. First time I loaded it up with a 20 and a 10, it worked fine. I pulled them out to mess with the jumpsniper stuff and when I went to put the LRMs back, it borked. Gave me two 10 tube launchers.
The only...ONLY...way to fix it is to go to inventory and sell EVERY LRM20 and LRM10 launcher you own, then go back to the 'lab and buy new ones.
Sad, but there you have it.
Let's just say that the missile tube coding system is "half-finished" and a "work in progress." Those are my new catch phrases for describing anything that's still in a Beta phase on a game that's been released as a completed product.
Posted 14 March 2014 - 07:52 AM
IL MECHWARRIOR, on 14 March 2014 - 02:24 AM, said:
it has 2 missile hardpoints, the first with 20 missile tubes, the second with 10 missile tubes
this means that if i put on his shoulder 2 lrm 20 it will shoot the first lrm 20 in 20 and the second in 10+10: if you Alpha strike you shoot 30+10
so i decided to put 1ALRM15 + 1ALRM10............ and i put the lrm 15 as first, in the hardpoint with 20 missile tubes, the lrm 10 in the second.........so it had to shoot 25 missiles in 1 salvo
as soon as i save the missile order gets inverted: the lrm 15 goes in the hardpont of 10 tubes, the lrm 10 goes in the hardpoint with 20 tubes....meaning that even if i have enough tubes, if i Alpha trike the lrm 10 starts all together, in 10, but the lrm 15 starts in 10+5, because it is in the 10 tubes hardpoints
this is true also for lasers in the hbk with 6 lasers in the shoulder...........i want large lasers on the top and mediumd at the bottom of that shoulder, but each ******* time i save all mediums go on the top, all large on the bottom, automatically
Two things:
- Welcome to the world of the tube bug
- It has been stated a few times, though it is mostly missed and I just picked up on it the other day, that sometimes this bug is because the launcher that you're keeping in there (ie, the smallest one - in your example, the LRM10) comes stock and is, therefore, keeping itself locked into the top launcher. I had this bug with the Md Lasers on my Tbolt and how I couldn't get the TAG to sit on the top energy hard point no matter what I did (I was using the stock Md Lasers which were "locked" into the top two slots). See what wandere said in post #2.

One other thing, the Victor is permanently bugged. It doesn't matter how many launchers you sell and put back in there. I have actually CLEARED my entire missile inventory and it still bugs out. So, don't put anything bigger than an LRM10 in it.
Edited by Trauglodyte, 14 March 2014 - 07:55 AM.
Posted 14 March 2014 - 08:59 AM
Here is what is happening:
- When you buy a mech, all it's weapons come with little hidden slot placement numbers. So, say you took that LRM10 off a cat, and it was the first slot on the cat. That means it has a hidden (1) attached to it.
- When you remove this LRM 10 from the cat, it places it into your inventory, but it still retains that hinden slot number (1).
- When you go to place your LRM 10 from your inventory, you grab that LRM10 from the cat launcher, as it's next in line. You place it in as the second (2) slot weapon. However, after you save, it bumps it up to the (1) hard point slot, as it's invisible assignment from the Cat takes over.
- When you play, suddently your launchers are not as you placed them, shooting off 20 and then 5, instead of the 25 in one salvo.
If this is correct, to solve this problem, take off the LRM15 and 10, and sell them each. Then, go back and place two more launchers in. (If you want to make sure you got them, sell all LRM15s and 10s and buy new. This will make sure you have sold the ones with hidden hard point attachments.) If all works well, you should have your 15 launcher on top, and your 10 launcher underneath, in their properly assigned hard points that you placed them in.
This is a known bug. Do no panic. It is easily remedied.
Posted 14 March 2014 - 09:16 AM

This is what the game decided I should have (SRM-6 on top of LRM-15 - which makes the 15 shoot 10+5):

Is it easy to fix? Yes, if you're willing to sell all of your LRM-15s and SRM-6s (since you can't tell which one is the bugged one, you'll have to sell them all).
Should it be fixed by PGI? Hell yes. Preferably yesterday.
Posted 14 March 2014 - 09:44 AM

Posted 14 March 2014 - 04:31 PM
I find I normally just take off the offending piece, and sell just one of them. Then, the ones behind seem to work fine. However, that might not be the case all the time. You have two choices right now:
- Sell them all and rebuy what you need.
- Sell each item one by one and keep trying, till you find a set that go where you want them to go.
(- or it's a bug with the mech, and it isn't going to help no matter what you do. I have not encountered this yet personally...)
Posted 14 March 2014 - 05:22 PM
if you have other mechs, you can use them to mule whatever weapon is annoying you, to try to trick the system also. That is how I got my high mount PPC on my battlemaster, after f'ing around for like half an hour in mechlab. I dont sell much of anything, so it really went against the grain on me when that was the suggested fix. Fortunatly, not selling anything also meant I had boat-tons mechs to mule crap on while "fixing" my battlemaster. 9 ML HBK 4p? NEIN, no engine, now hold these 6 ppcs so I can get those other two on top of my battlemaster.
If you only have 4 mechbays cause you are a tightwad and play 100% for free, then I guess you should be used to selling stuff anyway by now for 50% of buy price.
Posted 14 March 2014 - 06:24 PM
Posted 14 March 2014 - 06:37 PM
No plans or even considerations of "addressing" the issue were the case in multiple AtDs. Either they don't know how to fix this (this issue probably existed in closed beta) or they don't think it's that important.
So, you figure that out on your own.
Posted 14 March 2014 - 06:51 PM
Deathlike, on 14 March 2014 - 06:37 PM, said:
No plans or even considerations of "addressing" the issue were the case in multiple AtDs. Either they don't know how to fix this (this issue probably existed in closed beta) or they don't think it's that important.
So, you figure that out on your own.
Was just coming here to break this same bad news. PGI is aware of this issue, it has come up multiple times, and the answer is invariably either "We don't care" or "No plans to let you choose which weapon occupies a given hardpoint."
Posted 15 March 2014 - 09:23 AM
The first weapon you put in goes into hardpoint 1, the second 2, and so on...
...and you don't pull the half-baked idea that it should save which hardpoint it's in when removed. I can understand it if you needed to keep a stock 'Mech looking stock, but WHY?
Posted 15 March 2014 - 11:45 AM
3rdworld, on 14 March 2014 - 05:43 AM, said:
I thought those would be major mechanics of the game that players would need to know about.
Well they've always insisted the missile tubes would get fixed, but nearly two years and a lot of visual hardpoint updates later it's still exactly the same. I've got a feeling that if this was ever going to get fixed they would have done it already.
Edited by Satan n stuff, 15 March 2014 - 11:45 AM.
Posted 16 March 2014 - 08:40 AM
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