Khobai, on 14 March 2014 - 12:15 PM, said:
You want to fix LRMs? The three main problems are overpowered ECM, the stackability of AMS, and the slow travel speed. The flight arc of missiles is fine and doesnt need to change; changing it only risks unbalancing LRMs by making them ignore terrain again.
Artemis, TAG, and NARC also need some serious buffs to justify their extra tonnage/crits. An LRM10 with Artemis and TAG should be significantly more powerful than a PPC based on its greater tonnage/crits and having to meet a number of situational requirements.
Another option to help LRMs might be to add different ammo types for LRMs to give LRMs some additional utility. Swarm LRMs and Thunder LRMs being two possibilities.
Next patch NARC gets buffed. Not only will it not get knocked off and stay on the full time (currently 30 seconds) it is possibly going to get increased time. That is not clear yet. Secondly, it will short out ECM on the mech it hits for the same duration!
Next, increasing LRM speed is being tested. We could see an increase from 120m/s currently to 200-250m/s. This would effectively halve or better the time it took to hit the target. No more having up to 8 seconds to find cover or break lock, you'd get at most 4, which is STILL far slower than all other weapon types.
Although I really like the idea of High Arc/Low Arc being based on LOS, the idea of selectibility using Artemis would be a neat one.
But over the next 1-4 patches, LRMs are going to start acting much more different with the NARC and Speed buffs. Let's see what they do. I guarantee people will begin the QQ over how OP the NARC will be and not being able to just dodge/ignore LRMs anymore in hopes to get LRMs nerfed back into worthless catagories for anything balancing the power of ACs and PPCs.
IMNSHO: There needs to be a better balance drawn, not between skill = high damage but between Missiles vs Energy vs Ballistics. If you go LRM centric, you should be able to compete with a Ballistic centric team or Energy centric. It's kinda there but the Electronic Warfare pillar broke it because it's all affecting ONE of the three types of weapons: Missiles. So either there needs to be similar counters with ECM to ACs and Energy or something has to be done for Missiles.
Edited by Kjudoon, 14 March 2014 - 02:41 PM.